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第 PAGE Page 6 页 / 共 NUMPAGES Pages 7 页 嘉定二中2018学年第一学期第一次质量检测 高一年级英语学科试卷 Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. A powerful ocean storm has killed at least 11 people and forced the closure of one of Japan’s busiest airports. Typhoon Jebi struck Japan’s western island of Shikoku on Tuesday. With continuous winds of 160 kilometers an hour, it was ___21___ storm to hit Japan since 1993. Boats rescued about 3,000 people who ___22___(not leave)Kansai International Airport. The airport is built on a man-made island in Osaka Bay. Passengers ___23___ were trapped in the airport overnight said there was no electricity, food or wireless service. The island was cut off when a large ship crashed into and badly damaged a bridge between the airport and the mainland. Runways at the airport were largely underwater after the storm struck Tuesday. Officials say they do not know ___24___ the airport will reopen. Kansai is ___25___ important airport for visitors to Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe. It also is a center for the transportation of computer chips, electronics and other exports. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said on Wednesday that about 470 people ___26___(hurt)in the storm. Kansai Electric Power Company said that more than 400,000 people were without electricity. Businesses with factories in the area include Daihatsu Motor Company, Panasonic and drink-maker Kirin. The factories closed ___27___ ______ the storm but ___28___(expect)to re-open on Wednesday. The powerful typhoon comes after heavy rains caused floods in central and western Japan in July. More than 200 people were killed. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ___29___(criticize)for his government’s reaction to the floods. The Japanese leader cancelled



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