牛津英语八年级下册 Unit7 Period7 Task教案.docxVIP

牛津英语八年级下册 Unit7 Period7 Task教案.docx

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 年级 八年级 学科 英语 授课时间 课题 Unit7 International charities Task(Period 7) 教学 目标 1 了解奥比斯志愿者的学习和工作情况。 2 按逻辑顺序整理思路。 3 根据图片和提纲中的信息,写一篇关于一个受助印度女孩的报告。 重点 难点 能根据所给的信息,写一篇报告。 教学过程 二次备课 一、创设情境---引锚 1 Guess the name of charity. This organization works to reduce preventable blindness in many countries. It is dedicated to the saving of sight and the delivery of training of doctors and nursed. --- ORBIS 2 Would you like to do charity work? What would you like to do for others? Can you help others solve their problems? (活动方式:独自回答—小组合作—小组汇报) 二、自主合作---探锚 探究活动一:Part A ORBIS doctors and nurses do important work for poor people with eye problems. Today we’re going to meet Diana, an ORBIS nurse. She used to be a secretary of a company. These pictures show the changes in Diana’s life. Can you describe these pictures in your own words? Picture1 Diana was a secretary of a company, but she did not look happy. Picture2 Diana was afraid of travelling by plane. Picture3 Diana learnt about ORBIS on TV. Picture4 Diana went to school a special training as a nurse. Picture5-6 Diana works for ORBIS now and she looks happy. (活动方式:师生问答—小组讨论—小组汇报) 探究活动二:Part B 1 Amy has written a report on Diana and her charity work. Read her article and complete the table. Remember to put one word in each blanks. 2 Read Amy’s report again. Try to classify the information. Paragraph 1 What was Diana’s life like in the past? Paragraph 2 What changed Diana’s life? Paragraph 3 What is she getting used to now? Paragraph 4 What does Diana think about her new life? 3 Listen to the tape, read the passage sentence by sentence. (活动方式:小组活动---小组汇报) 探究活动三:Writing 1 Before writing, show students some pictures in PartC. 1) Mandeep’s life in the past. 2) Changes 3) Mandeep’s life at present 2 Mandeep used to… One day… Now… Future… 3 Read your report in your groups. (活动方式:师生问答—小组讨论—小组汇报) 三、归纳总结---悟锚 What have you learned in this class? Do you have any questio


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