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写爱心英文谚语 写爱心英文谚语 PAGE / NUMPAGES 写爱心英文谚语 希望对您有帮助,感谢 写爱心的英文谚语 导读: 本文是关于写爱心的英文谚语,若是感觉很不错,欢迎 议论和分享! 1、同献爱心,共铸希望。 With love and hope. 2、播撒爱心,真情永溢。 Spread love, love will never overflow. 3、慈心为民,善举济世。 Kindness for the people and good deeds for the world. 4、爱心万人行,万人献爱心。 Ten thousand people love each other. 5、收集爱心阳光,做你黑暗中的暖光。 Collect the sunshine of love and be the warm light in your darkness. 6、致力公益事业,爱心成就未来。 Committed to public welfare, love to achieve the future. 7、友善家园,用爱凝聚。 Harmonious home, with love cohesion. 8、奉献一份关爱,收获一份欣喜。 Dedicate a love, harvest a surprise. 9、爱心接力在线,快乐永不掉线。 希望对您有帮助,感谢 Love Relay Online, Happiness Never Drop Off. 、爱心倾注安全,成立友善电力。 Love is devoting to safety and building harmonious electric power. 、一颗爱心,一份欣喜,只有施乐会! A love, a joy, only Xerox! 、施乐会,乐善施。 Oxfam, be merciful. 、爱心在前面,接力在路上。 Love is ahead, relay is on the way. 、爱自心中生,心以爱作魂。 Love comes from the heart, and love is the soul of the heart. 、会心所至,乐善好施。 He who knows what his heart is, is willing to give. 、付出一份爱心,收获一世幸福。 Give a love, harvest life happiness. 、一点爱心,照亮世界。 A little love illuminates the world. 、用青春的力量,扬起希望的风帆;用诚挚的爱心,托起明天的太阳。 With the power of youth, raise the sail of hope; with 希望对您有帮助,感谢 sincere love, hold up the sun of tomorrow. 、爱是理解的别名。 Love is the alias of understanding. 、点滴聚爱,龙情血脉。 Drops of love, the blood of dragon love. 、慈善之心人皆有之,雪中送炭人皆为之。 Charitable hearts are everybodys, and those who send charcoal in the snow are everybodys. 、赏赐让你的生活更快乐! Alms make your life happier! 、为智慧大方解囊,凭知识扶危济困。 Give generously to wisdom and help the needy with knowledge. 、义卖,收获的不但是快乐,更是心灵的宽慰。 Voluntary sale, the harvest is not only happiness, but also spiritual comfort. 、施乐会,人人为我,我为人人。 Oxfam, everyone for me, I for everyone. 、多关心别人,给生活留点美好的回忆。 Care more about others and leave some good memories for life. 、大爱点亮心灯,慈善升华人生。 希望对您有帮助,感谢 Great love lights up the heart, and charity elevates life. 、奉献您的爱心,连续爱的希望。 Dedicate your love and continue the hope of love. 、扬中华之传统美德,献爱心于特困集体。 Promote the traditional virtue



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