高一英语上册课件:上学期unit 4 AstronomyAstronomy.pptVIP

高一英语上册课件:上学期unit 4 AstronomyAstronomy.ppt

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Astronomy: the science of the stars List the subjects that you’re learning now in your curriculum (课程) Chinese English Mathematics Chemistry Physics Geography History Politics … Is there any relationship between each subject and others? ___________ the scientific study of treatment of diseases and injuries. ___________ the study of the chemistry of living things. ___________ the scientific study of the earth’s atmosphere, oceans and climate. ___________ the scientific study of objects in space, such as planets, stars, comets(彗星) and “black holes”. biochemistry geophysics medicine astronomy astronomy biochemistry geophysics medicine How much do you know about the universe? the Milky Way the universe the universe the Milky Way solar system the earth is made up of the sun and the objects that orbit it. Nine planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Pangu separates the sky from the earth 造人 Nuwa makes men How did the universe begin? HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH New words and expressions: violent: (adj.) strong or severe 猛烈的 →(n.) violence solid: (adj.) without holes; strong and firm实心的,固体的 explode: (vt. & vi.) burst with a loud noise; blow up 爆炸,爆发 →(n.) explosion in time: not late 及时 (here) eventually 最终 water vapour   carbon dioxide (CO2)     oxygen nitrogen atmosphere (n.) 大气层;气氛 dissolve: become liquid 溶解 harmful: causing harm 有害的 multiply: (v.) produce large numbers of offspring 繁殖 amphibian reptile mammal spread : (vt. & vi.) (spread, spread) 伸展,展开,传播 method: way prevent...from…: stop…from… depend on: be decided by sth.; follow from sth. 视某事物而定;取决于某事物 两栖动物 爬行动物 哺乳动物 Task 1 Think about what you have read and make choices. Why was the earth different from other plants? A. It produced a lot of heat. B. The water remained. C. Water disappeared.


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