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Xingtai Polytechnic College 教 案 课程名称 新视野大学英语 I 学 时 2 序 号 1 授课班级 见附录 日 期 任课教师 见附录 课 题 Unit 1 Fresh start 能力目标 : To arouse the students’ interests for the topic of this unit 1 and participate actively 激发学生对第一单元主题的兴趣,并且积极参与。 To let students reflect how to deal with their college life . 让学生思考如何应对大学生活。 教 学 应用性知识目标: 目 标 To listen and get the key words of the listening material. 听听力材料,并抓关 键词,理解听力内容。 To get tips for freshman students.知道给大一新生的建议。 To read words and phrases with proper pronunciation.正确的发音朗读单词和 短语。 训 练 项 目 Develop the listening skill: get the key words 听力技巧训练 (任 务) 教 学 新视野大学英语 I 光盘 媒 体 新视野大学英语 I unit1 课件 准 备 第 1 页(共 3 页) Xingtai Polytechnic College 教 案 教学活动步骤及时间安排: ◇ Warm-up activity: Greeting and introducing (10 min)问候和介绍 ◇ Introducing the whole book and teaching procedures (30min)说课 ◇ Topic understanding: fresh start of college(10 min)主题讲解 ◇ Pre-reading activities: listening to an interview (20 min )听力 ◇ New words (30 min )词汇 教 学 板书设计: ◇ Listening 听力 过 程 Tips for freshman students: 1.Keep a balance 2. go to class regularly 3. get involved on campus 4. find a good place to study 5. take advantage of the study resources on campus. ◇ New words 单词 1. Triumph : n. 胜利 e.g. Winning the championship was a


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