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《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》 (第三版) 教案 教材:《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》(第三版) ROlf COOk and Mara Pedretti With Helen StePhenSOn 编著,经济科学出版社,2008 年 10月 《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计 一、教案头 3 ? ? 时 学 教学目标 nalandpleof? g Qmnt rsno ?llsC erla P 6 Hicnn eerseesr akpe2pl'nvi mIteepexgell towlesusndkin e gofiganork r(" dd.)lep)le3slV becaΓLaeavecyi bssbesiobeadM τ(lnBB U ?slτ " T d q ?U?N ?n W 1 b 2 P 3 aft e eof ofxatlerepr PX es^Et fe :tial? Jed ^nt σo n ?Je? m n a a oldonOJldeq τaiτ τaifr 1.2.3. 能力训练任务及案例 m ?⑸ ais Exs 哄 ryθpex 教学组织 攵去-L上;-T 作业 b S i k Sdn r e I OnaS V ? 1 ? 1 VSeJh lnbuakent S ? 1 L2.3. 二、教学设计 步骤 教学内容 教学方法 教学 手段 学生活动 时间 分配 IntrOdUCtiOn IntrOdUCtiOn to the WhOle COUrSe? teaching ObjeCtiVeS and teaching COntentS Of this unit. TeaCher *s LeCtUre PPT 2 minutes Training taskl (Reading) The format Of BEC PreliIninanf exam ? Teacher's introduction and Students5 feedback ? TeXtbOOk IndiVidUal WOrk 15 minutes Training task2 (Reading and discussion) Training and WOrkShOPS RCad the materials about the training Center and try to finish the exercise in the textbook ? PPT TeXtbOOk GrOUP WOrk 15 minutes Training task 3(LiStening) Topic: What does your job involve? 1 .Skim the job titles and responsibilitie S IiSted in the text book? Try to find OUt the AnSWerS before IiStening ? Listen to the material and CheCk the answe r. MP3 TeXtbOOk IndiVidUal and GrOUP WOrk 15 minutes Training task 4(Grammar) The PreSent SiinPle and AdVerbS and expressions Of frequency. 1 ? Read the instructions Of the two grammar POintS FiniSh the exercises MakC more SentenCeS by (hem. TeXtbOOk QUeStiOnS and group WOrk 20 minutes Training task5 (SPeaking) Topic: WOrk-Iife balance DiSCUSS in groups? RePOrt to PPT teacher,s IeCtUre 15 minutes Ihe WhOle ClaSS SUmlnary USefUl words, expressions and SentenCe PattemS in MOdUle 1; business topics and Skills. QUeStiOnS and answers teacher ,s SUmmary and students' feedback 3 minutes HOmeWOrk I-ReVieW MOdUle one. Finish exercises in WOrkbOOk ? Design a PerSOnal business Card. Preview 1.2 Aft


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