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PAGE PAGE # 英语课本金句积累 Great sentences! ? 1.这是两张我家人的好看的照片。 ? Here are 2 nice photos of my family. ? 2.感谢你的帮助。 ? Thank you for your help. ? 3.我们以很优惠的价格出售我们所有衣服。 ? We sell all our clothes at very good prices. ? 4.我们的绿色毛衣只卖 15 美金。 ? We have green sweaters for only $15. ? 5.袜子 2 美金三双。 ? Socks are only $2 for three pairs. ? . 午餐从 12 点到 1 点,之后我们上语文课。 ? Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00,and after that we have Chinese. ? 7.他通常周末锻炼。 ? He usually exercises on weekends. ? 8. 父母和学校有时很严厉, 但是记住, 他们制定规则是帮助我 们的,我们应该遵守。 ? Parents and schools are sometimes strict,but remember, they make rules to help us. We have to follow them. ? 9. 我可以给他捎个口信吗? ? Can I take a message for him? ? 10.我和我的家人在山里度假 ? My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. ? 11.付费电话在图书馆对面。 ? The pay phone is across from the library. ? 12. 在第一个十字路口向右转,饭店在你右边,付费电话的对 面。 ? Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left, across from the pay phone. ? 13.她中等个子,留一头长长的直发。 ? Shes of medium height, and she has long straight hair. ? 14. 许多人经常以不同的方式看待事物,所以他们对同一个人 的描述也会不同。 ? Many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. ? 15. 蜡烛的数量代表这个人的年龄 ? The number of candles is the persons age. ? 16. 过生日的人必须许下愿望,吹灭蜡烛。 ? The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles. ? 17. 如果他 (她 )能一口气吹灭所有蜡烛 ,那么其愿望将会实现。 ? If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. ? 18. 他们从不切断面条 , 因为长的面条是长寿的象征 . They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life. ? 19. 所有这些生日食品可能不同,但想法是一样的。他们给过 生日的人带来好运。 ? All of these birthday foods may be different, but the ideas are the same. They bring good luck to the birthday person. ? 20. 天阴得很厉害 , 我们担心快要下雨了 , ? It got very cloudy and we worried it would rain. ? 21. 通过互联网或观看游戏节目放松是很好的,但我们认为最 好的放松方式是通过锻炼。它对于大脑和身体是健康的。 ? It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows,but we think the best way to relax is through exercise. It is healthy for the mind and body. ? 22.最重要的是去学


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