艺龙培训2015年全国大会ss1slides chineseedison.pptx

艺龙培训2015年全国大会ss1slides chineseedison.pptx

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修●炼;Workshop Objectives 课程的目标;Workshop Content 课程内容;Strategic Selling Defined 战略销售的概念;Factors Influencing our Sales Strategy 影响我们销售策略的因素;The Strategic Sales Process 战略销售的程序;Session objectives 课程目标;The Strategic Sales Process 战略销售的程序;The Strategic Sales Process 销售战略的程序;Prospecting 发掘潜在客户;Session objectives 课程目标;The Strategic Sales Process 销售战略的程序;Planning the Telephone Call 计划电话销售;The Strategic Sales Process 销售战略的程序;Session Objectives 课程目标;The Importance of Planning 计划的重要性;Definition of a sales call objective 销售拜访目标的定义;Planning the sales call 制定销售拜访计划;The Strategic Sales Process 销售战略的程序;What Creates Impact?;Establishing Rapport 建立良好的关系;Establishing Rapport 建立良好的关系;Pacing 步调;Mirroring 镜子效应 ;Stating the Purpose of Your Meeting 陈述您的约会的目的;The Strategic Sales Process 销售战略的程序; Describe the 4 types of questions used to determine client requirements 描述判断客人需求的4种提问方式 The Funnel Technique漏斗技巧 Ways to encourage conversation flow 使谈话顺利进行的方法 Demonstrate the use of question and listening techniques in a skills practice练习提问与聆听的技巧;Question Types 问题的类型;Question Types 问题的类型 ;Encouraging the Conversation Flow 鼓励交谈;Active Listening 积极的聆听;The Funnel Technique 漏斗技巧;The Strategic Sales Process 销售战略的程序;Preparing for professional presentations 解释准备方案时要考虑要点 Points to consider when making presentations 陈述并解释提出方案时需要考虑的问题 “Presenting with impact” framework “有力简报”框架的要素; Summarise requirements to clarify understanding重新审查需求的要点来增加其明确度 Find out who else will be there and why from the clients side and advise if anyone else form IHG will be coming with you 找出客户方面还有哪些人将参加,并提出是否有集团的其他人需和你一同参加 If you are co-presenting : practice and rehearse 如果您是与其他人一同报告:应提前练习和预演 Think about question handling 考虑怎样回答提问;1. Present the solution after summarising the client's requirements 在总结出客人的需要后提出解决的方法认 2. Know your hotel, package or service 了解您的酒店,包价与服务 3. Present features with benefits 展示给客人的任何酒店特色都应同时告知客人可得到的利益 4. Provide pro


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