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Manipulator is now use d as a i ndustrial robots in use , the control objectives often appear often i n industria l automati on. Industrial a utomation technol ogy ha s gradually mature d, as mature a te chnol ogy line has been ra pid development in i ndustrial a utomation as a se parate subje ct. Ma nipulator appli cation began t o filter into wel ding , logisti cs, me cha nical processi ng, and ot her industrie s. Especi ally at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiati on case, r obot in similar circumstances showe d great use al so brings great conve nie nce t o the staff. Precisely be cause of this robot to get people's atte ntion began t o be a high degree of devel opme nt. La bor rates, working conditi ons, labor intensive aspects of promoti ng devel opme nt. Both at home and abr oad to develop the PLC (programmable l ogic contr oller) is in various spe cial cir cumsta nces a nd under specia l conditions set for mechani cal devi ces. Now turne d on the development of the microel ectronics automati c control te chnology a nd t he rapi d devel opme nt of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software a nd sim ulation control wi n big a nd successful devel opme nt, now continues t o devel op as a fact ory automation standards. Beca use ro bot s are good devel opme nt of the te chnology makes a g ood optimizati on of productive capital , and robot shows this unique adva ntages, such as: has good compati bility, wide avai labilit y, har dware is compl ete, and programming t hat can be mastered i n a short time, so in the context of industrial PLC a ppli cations be came ubiquitous. Ma nipulator i n many devel ope d country agricult ure and industry has been a pplie d, such as the use of mecha nical harvesti ng large areas of farmland, repe ated operations on the high -speed li ne that uses a roboti c arm, and so on. Toda y, the high level of automation combined wit h restrictions on the ma nip



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