2020年高考英语历年真题合集含答案解析高频考点100题选择题专项训练 (5).docxVIP

2020年高考英语历年真题合集含答案解析高频考点100题选择题专项训练 (5).docx

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高考英语历年真题合集含答案解析 1 . We all write ______, even when there’s not much to say. 译文. 我们都有时写写,即使我们没有什么要写的。 A. now and then B. by and by C. step and step D. more or less 答案:A。 now and then = occasionally, from time to time, sometimes. 2 . ——What made you so upset? -----_____ my house _____ saying goodbye. 译文. ——什么使你不安呀?——Jim离开我家时没说再见。 A. Jim left; without B. Jim’s leaving; instead of C. That Jim left; without D. Jim leaving; instead of 答案:C。 该句的回答是一个省略句,还原就是:That Jim left my house without saying goodbye made me upset.句子后面的相同部分省略了。 3 . He gets up early and reads English aloud, ___ he has greatly improved his English 译文. 他早起大声地读英语,这样他的英语提高很大。 A. on the way B. by the way C. in this way D. in this means 答案:C。 on the way在去…路上;by the way顺便说一句;in this way用这种方法;in this means介词用错了。 4 . Is _____ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship? 译文. 乘飞船到月球有可能吗? A. now B. man C. it D. that 答案:C。 It is + adj. + to do sth.句型。 5 . ——I’m going to Beijing nest week. Do you have anything _____ there? ------ No, but thank you all the same. 译文. --我下周要去北京,你有什么东西要带去么?--没有。谢谢你。 A. taken B. to take C. taking D. to be taken 答案:D。 该句的主语you发不出take的动作,故用被动形式。 6 . If my lawyer ______ here last Saturday, he ______ me from going. 译文. 如果我的律师周六在这儿的话,他会阻止我去的。 A. had been; would have prevented B. had been; would prevent C. were; would prevent D. were; would have prevented 答案:A。 虚拟语气,与过去事实相反用过去完成时态。 7 . It’s ______ here; we can’t work long hours here. 译文. 太冷了这儿,我们不能工作太久了。 A. very much cold B. much cold C. much too cold D. too much cold 答案:C。 too much太多,用作名词,形容词副词; much too太,非常,用作副词,修饰形容词副词。 8 . I’m not very good at playing chess. He often ________ me. 译文. 我不太善长于下棋。他经常赢我。 A. beats B. wins C. hits D. fights 答案:A。 在比赛中战胜对手用beat;win指"赢得某项比赛",后接比赛项目的名词。 9 . The sun shines brightly in the sky______ us light and heat. 译文. 天上的艳阳给我们光和热。 A. that give B. having given C. to give D. giving 答案:D。 现在分词短语表示伴随。 10 . The students are ___ young people between the ages at between the age of sixteen



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