高三英语一轮复习题型(议论文阅读2篇 说明文阅读 记叙文七选五 说明文语法填空 应用文写作)精准练(DAY 19).docVIP

高三英语一轮复习题型(议论文阅读2篇 说明文阅读 记叙文七选五 说明文语法填空 应用文写作)精准练(DAY 19).doc

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高三英语题型精准练(DAY 19) 目录 内容 Section A 议论文阅读 Section B 议论文阅读 Section C 说明文阅读 Section D 记叙文七选五 Section E 应用文写作 Section A: Section A:议论文 Squirrels aren’t natural city dwellers (居民).In 1856 the sight of one in a tree near New York’s city hall so surprised passers-by that a newspaper published a report about the “unusual visitor”. Around that time,the tree-dwelling animals were being set free in America’s urban areas to “create pockets of peace and calm like the countryside,” says University of Pennsylvania historian Etienne Benson,who studied our relationship to squirrels over the course of five years. First they were introduced to Philadelphia,then to New Haven,Boston,and New York City.Park visitors were encouraged to feed them,and security guards ensured their safety.In the 1910s a leader of the Boy Scouts of America (an organization teaching boys practical skills) said that teaching children to feed squirrels could show the rewards of treating a weaker creature with sympathy,says Benson. By the early 20th century,though,America began to regret the friendliness it had shown squirrels.Cities had once been filled with animals — from horses pulling goods to dairy cows.By the 1950s those working animals had been moved to the countryside.Pets and wild animals such as birds and squirrels were all that remained of the urban animal kingdom. Before long,people’s enthusiasm for squirrels wore off,and they started to see them as annoyances (讨厌的东西).By the 1970s many parks banned feeding the creatures.Today,it is rare to find kids with their parents offering food to squirrels under a tree.And,unfortunately,with more and more buildings being constructed in the city,fewer inhabitable areas are left for the little tree-dwelling animals. What would be lost if the last of these city dwellers were forced to leave? “I think there’s something constructive to have other living creatures in the city that are not humans and not pets but share the land with us,” says Benson.“It’s a good thing to



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