湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit 4 Making the news课件.pptVIP

湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit 4 Making the news课件.ppt

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Making the news Making the news How to make the newspaper How to make the newspaper ? Step1/2 interview Step 1/2 take photographs Step 3 make sure the writing is clear Step 4 lay out Step 5 print the newspaper What are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have? ①higher level of education ②work experience ③good communication skills ④curious, active personality ⑤hard-working ⑥enthusiasm for the job ⑦prepared to work long hours ⑧ability to work in a team The duties of a reporter To work in a team (Welcome.--Good.) To get an accurate story (What do I need to-We have the evidence to support our story.) To protect a story from accusations (I can see --- You never know!) How to become a successful reporter? The skills needed Stages in researching a story How to check facts ? Use research and ask other people Why is listening so important? How to deal with accusations of printing lies ? Use small recorders to get all the facts straight Find out the truth Prove oneself right Paraphrase (explain English words and phrases in English ) Cover a story To have a “nose” for a story A trick of the trade Get all your facts straight Get the wrong end of the stick A real “scoop” An important story which your newspaper gets ahead of all the other newspaper . You do not understand what is being said . Sth that helps you do the job in a professional way Be able to “smell” when sb is trying to hide a good story . Make sure the story is accurate. Go and interview sb about an incident or happening Interview ( patient imaginative well-organized polite technically good concise thorough creative curious careful gifted professional) A: Which occupation will you choose in future? B: I want to be a ____. A: Why? B: A ____ needs to be _________ . I think I would make a good ____ because____ ________________________________ . * * 2



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