Unit4 What's wrong with you?(Lesson20) (公开课获奖)教案(8).docVIP

Unit4 What's wrong with you?(Lesson20) (公开课获奖)教案(8).doc

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Unit4《What’s wrong with you》 Lesson20教学设计 一、教学内容分析 1.本局部要学习的内容是学生能在真实语境中,整合运用I have a… Can I…You should…Don’t worry about your lessons.等句型询问他人或表达自己的感受,抚慰病人。 2.本局部要掌握的核心内容是:I’m ill today. I have a bad cold/headache.综合运用以下词组:have a cough, have a fever. 3.第二课时,〔即本课时〕所教学内容是本单元知识的进一步稳固,也是本单元的重点。 二、学情况分析 学生在之前的一课时,已经接触到了本单元所涉及表达身体不适,抚慰病人并表达关爱的常用句型I’’t worry. Take good care of yourself.这为学习本课打下了良好的根底。因此,本节课学生学习起来会相对轻松一些。从而使新词组have a cough、 have a fever、 have a bad cold/headache.的学习变得水到渠成。 三、教学目标分析 Language knowledge: To understand and say the words:dear、ill bad、worry、afraid. 2.To understand the sentence pattern:I’m ill today. I have a bad cold. Don’’ll help you with your English. Language skills: To make sure the students are able to talk about various manifestations of illness. Emotion: Cultivate students’good habits of unity and fraternity and caring for others. 四、教学重,难点分析 Teaching Important Points: dear、ill、bad、worry、afraid; I’m ill today;I have a bad cold. Teaching Difficult Points: Don’t worry about your lessons. I’ll help you with your English. 五、教学方法和手段 教学方法:利用情境教学法,愉快学习法,小组合作法,任务型教学模式等完成教学目标。 教学手段:播放多媒体课件,展示图片,卡片, 等实物创设真实情境。 六、教学过程 Step one: Warm up 1.Greeting:T:Good morning boys and girls! Nice to see you again! 2.PPT 播放歌曲“Little Tommy had a horrible cold〞 The student on duty led the students to sing.(设计意图:通过欢快的song,激发学生的学习兴趣.〕 3.Revision :The teacher show the questions and ask the students to fill in the blank. (设计意图:通过练习复习了上节课的内容,到达温故而知新。) Step two:Presentation 过渡:If we have a bad cold,what aspects of the body can be uncomfortable 2.Play the video ? write down the key sentences in their exercise books. ?Show the picture,students look at the pictures,fill in the blanks. ?Play the tape and read it a few times.Ask the students to open the books and read after the tape. (设计意图:学生一边听录音,一边跟读课文,整体感知加深理解核心语言。) Step Three:Practice Pair work 词汇拓展 〔教师扮演生病的学生,学生扮演抚慰的老师,师范对话〕 S:What’s wrong with you T:I’m ill today.I have a stomachache. S:Don’’ll help you with y


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