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2020年中考英语完形填空、阅读理解试题及答案 1 Elt on Neremi was a great detective. His compa nion, Alyssa, ofte n 26 him on his adve ntures. The two of them would travel around the world to solve differe nt mysteries. Sometimes, 27 adve ntures might even become dan gerous and they would come close to los ing their lives. My first Elton Neremi book 28 by my father. It was a present for my 29 birthday. I would be totally absorbed in the story. It was as if I went into a whole new world. My favorite Elton Neremi adventure is one that took place in Venice. Neremi was in Venice visiting a sick friend. No doctors 30 cure him. Neremi later realized that his friend had been poisoned. He decided to find out who the culprit was. Over the n ext few weeks, Neremi spe nt every wak ing mome nt 31 for more in formatio n. He searched the house and in terviewed many people but found 32. One morning, as Neremi sat at the dining table drinking a cup of coffee, he thought that he had not interviewed two people. They were his friend 33 and his wife. Fin ally Neremi had his an swer. He knew who had bee n the one pois oning his friend. It was his 34 wife! She wan ted to kill her husba nd and get all the fortune. She had bee n putti ng in a colorless and odorless chemical into his food for the past two mon ths. The effects were slow and unno ticeable. In the end, she was arrested and Neremis friend recovered 35 time. Once aga in, ano ther mystery had bee n solved. ()26. A. joi ns B. joi ned C. will join D. was joi ning ()27. A. their B. they C. theirs D. them ()28. A. was givi ng B. gives C. gave D. was give n ()29. A. seve n B. seve nth C. the seve n D. the seve nth ()30. A. can B. must C. could D. would ()31. A. looki ng B. to look C. looks D. look ()32. A. somethi ng B. anything C. everyth ing D. no thi ng ()33. A. he B. him C. himself D. his ()34. A. friends B. friends C. friend s D. frie nd ()35. A. in B. on C. at D. with BADDC ADCCA You all need water. Without water, your body would 36 working. A pers



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