人教pep版英语U2 Where did you go (全单元)3教案.docVIP

人教pep版英语U2 Where did you go (全单元)3教案.doc

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学科电子教案 主备人: 总第 13课时 教学内容 Unit3 Part A let’s try and Let’s talk 课 型 新授 教学目标 1. What happened Where did you go 2.Mt.Tianshan,Turpan,fell,hurt, rode,saw,eat,be ready 教学重点 Act Main scene and Let’s talk 教学难点 What happened Where did you go 教具学具 磁带 录音机 教 学 内 容 个人修改设计 教 学 过 程 一.Warm—up〔热身〕 1. Let’s look and talk about some pictures. 2. Let’s listen and chant. Where did you go Where did you go I went to Mt.Tianshan and I went to Turpan. 二.Presentation〔新课呈现〕 1.Main scene Where did he go Where did he go He went to Turpan, He saw lots of grapes and ate lots of mutton. 教 学 过 程 2. Let’s try and Let’s talk (1)Let’s try John answered a phone call from Amy. Listen and tick or cross. (2)Let’s play a game T: Where did he go S: H e went to Mt.Tianshan. T: Did he go to Turpan S: Yes, he did. 三.consolidation Where did you go I went to… 板书设计或要点 What happened Where did you go I went to… 教学反思 学科电子教案 主备人: 总第 14课时 教学内容 Unit 3 Part A Let’s learn 课 型 新授 教学目标 1.能够听、说,读,写rode,hurt,went camping, went fishing 2.Where did you go last Saturday What did you do there 教学重点 能够听、说,读,写rode,hurt,went camping, went fishing 教学难点 What did you do there 教具学具 磁带 录音机 教 学 内 容 个人修改设计 教 学 过 程 一.Warm—up〔热身〕 Let’s listen and chant Where did you go and what did you do I rode a horse I rode a bike. I went camping. 二.Presentation〔新课呈现〕 1.看图说英语 〔1〕呈现骑马图片 T: What did he do 教 学 过 程 S: He rode a horse. (2)呈现野营照片 T: What did he do S: He went camping. (3)呈现钓鱼图片同理学习went fishing. T: What did he do S: He rode a bike. 2. Sum-up time 3. Dialogue time John: Where did you go last Saturday Linda: I went to a forest park. 板书设计或要点 Rode a horse went fishing Went camping rode a bike 教学反思 学科电子教案 主备人: 总第 15课时 教学内容 Unit3 part B Let’s try and Let’s talk 课 型 新授 教学目标 1.Where did you go over the winter holiday My family and I went to Sanya. 2.Be far from by plane took pictures 教学


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