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安徽省合肥市光华学校八年级英语-Module-5-Western-music-课件;Do you like music? Do you know the kind of music?;古典音乐 ;摇滚乐;歌剧;流行歌曲;布鲁斯音乐;爵士乐;说唱音乐;电子音乐;blues n. classical adj. jazz n. pop n. rock n. techno n. beautiful adj. dramatic adj. fun n. ;lively adj. sad adj. serious adj. slow adj. traditional adj. sure adj. German n. adj. Austrian n. adj. ;composer n. fan n. rap n. on earth noisy adj.;beautiful dramatic fast fun lively modern sad serious slow traditional noisy boring; blues classical jazz opera pop rock techno; ; ; ; ;;Now listen again and check. ;Check(√) the true sentences:;;Language notes;2. What on earth is that? 那究竟是什么音乐? on earth常放在疑问词的后面,用 以加强语气,表示“究竟,到底”。 例如: Who on earth told you the news? 究竟是谁告诉你这个消息的?;3. Who’s it by? 这是谁创作的? 这里的by是介词,意思是“由……创作(编著、导演、作曲等)”。如: I know it’s a play by Shakespeare. 我知道这是莎士比亚写的一部戏剧。;4. — She doesn’t like pop music, does she? —No, she doesn’t. —她不喜欢流行音乐,是吧? —对,她不喜欢。;对附加问句(特别是前半句为否定形式,后半句为肯定形式)的回答,不管问题的提法如何,若事实是肯定的,就要用yes;事实是否定的,就要用no。应特别注意。再如: —You aren’t a teacher, are you ? —你不是老师吧? —Oh yes, I am a teacher. —不,我是老师。;capital composer fan musician river;What’s the ______ of Shandong province? Who’s your favourite _________? Which _________ do you like best? 4. How many ____of western classical music are there in your class? 5. Which ____ goes through Shanghai? ;Answers: 1. Jinan 2-4. Students’ own answers 5. Yangze River/ Huangpo River/ Suzhou (Wusong) River;Activity 7;—What music do you like? —I like pop. It’s lively and good to dance to. I don’t like rock. It’s noisy. What about you? ;;Practice like this: -- What music do you like? Why? -- I like pop. It’s lively and good to dance to.


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