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PAGE PAGE 1 译林牛津英语8A Unit4 Do it yourself 复习教案 一、【精选词汇】   ◆重点短语   1. like… best最喜欢…,like… least最不喜欢… (p59)   2. first saw the baby panda第一次看到熊猫崽    〈知识链接〉first=the first time第一次,first作“第一次”时用在行为动词之前,而the first time通常用在句尾。   3. animals in the wild=wild animals野生动物,survive in the wild在野外幸存   4. at four months old在六个月大时    〈知识链接〉该短语中的at不能使用in。at the age of或at后接年龄, Children go to school at six /at the age of six in China.在中国孩子的入学年龄是六岁。   5. eight months later八个月后    〈知识链接〉some time later…以后,用于一般过去时;in some time…以后,用于一般将来时。   ①Two days later, he was out of danger. ②He will be out of danger in two days.   6. grow into a healthy young giant panda    〈知识链接〉grow into…逐渐成长为、变为、长成(某种类型的人),e.g.   Yi Jianlian has grown into an excellent basketball player.    〈用法拓展〉⑴grow out of…长得太大而穿不上衣服,e.g. He’s already grown out of his school uniform.   ⑵grow up长大,e.g. Their children have all grown up and left home now.   7. at the very beginning一开始,for up to 14 hours a day每天长达14小时    〈知识链接〉up to…达到;多达;高达,e.g. ①The dining hall can hold up to 500 people at the same time.这个餐厅可同时容纳500人之多。②He kept me waiting for up to 3 hours.   8. cut down trees砍倒树木    〈知识链接〉cut down是“动词+副词”结构, cut it/them down, cut down a tree   〈用法拓展〉⑴cut back减少;削减 ⑵cut off砍掉;切断   9. have nowhere to live没有地方住,无处可住    〈知识链接〉⑴nowhere无处;哪里都不, This animal is found in Australia and nowhere else.  ⑵somewhere某处,用于肯定句中;anywhere用于否定句或疑问句中;everywhere=here and there到处,用于肯定句中。   10. leave the baby pandas for two whole days on their own让熊猫崽单独呆两整天   〈知识链接〉⑴on one’s own=by oneself=alone单独地,独自地,独立地 ⑵leave one by oneself把某人单独留下e.g. ①Many young people in the USA like living on their own.② Zhang Hua was at home alone when the fire began. ③I can’t leave her by herself.   11. in danger处于危险中,in danger of…面临…的危险,out of danger脱离危险   〈用法拓展〉⑴Danger! Keep out!危险!请勿入内!⑵Children’s lives are in danger every time they cross this road. ⑶The building is in danger of coming down. ⑷The workers in this factory are



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