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在象征着幸运的知史鸟的引领下,玛丽无遂间发现了翻开秘密花园的胡匙和进入的 通道当她满心欢喜地走进花回时,迎接她的是一派生机羞然,还是满目衰败和凋家呢? Chapter Four The secret garden 笫四辜和密花园 江苏南菁高级中学徐奚潴 位词探 beady /bilcli/ adj.小圆珠般而亮晶晶的;机 5. thorny /Ooini/ adj.有刺的;棘手的 警的 6. inufilr /^nAfl/ v.压低(声音);使听不清 fumble /fAmbl/ v.胡乱投找(某物) 7. prod /prod/ °.戳;杵;捅 gallop /勺adap/ u.(马等)飞奔;疾驰 8. vegetation /jVedsotelfn/ zl (统称)植物 tread /〔red/ v.行走;踩 9. sprinkle Z^prigkl/ v.洒;撒 The next morning Mary was already buttoning up her coat when Martha arrived. Youre an early bird! Martha said. Well. I do like birds! Mary grinned. “h‘8 nice to see you so cheerful, Miss, Martha tokl her. Have a nice time/ Mary felt the key deep in her coat pocket. I will, she said. A few minutes later she was staring at the ivy-covered wall. If only she could find the door. She had spent all yesterday looking for it but had given up when it bccanic too dark to see anything. What she needed was the robin to bring her luck. Sure enough she soon heard his clurery call and there he was, staring down at her with those black, beady eyes. Robin. she said, her voice soft. Myestenlay you showed me the key. Can you show me the door to(lav?w r What happened next was pure magic. A strong gust of wind lifted the ivy, parting it like a curtain. The gusl blew only for a second Iml long enough for Mary Io ?ee a l(x)rkn(l). B(*nralh llir doorknob was a metal square with a hole in it. Shr fumbled for the key, her heart lMaaling faster than a galloping horse. Nearby, the robin continued to sing as she pul the key in the keyhole and turned. Taking a deep breath, Mary pushed the 8 Crazy English door open and stepped inside. She fbimd herself surrounded by four high walls. They made her feel she was in her own private kingdom. Slowly sh* lx*gan Io walk, treading softly on the overgrown palliways. Rose trees had taken over the ganlen. They had climbed over urns, arbours and other trees spreading thorny tendrils across to rach otlufr, as if holding hands. The Inanches were all either grey or bnnvn. Mar



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