Unit6 SectionA 1a-1c 课件人教版新目标英语八年级上册.pptVIP

Unit6 SectionA 1a-1c 课件人教版新目标英语八年级上册.ppt

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a basketball player practice it everyday * a computer programmer study computer science * A. a driver B. an artist C. a pianist Susan is ______. C * 1. 你长大后,你想做什么? What do you want ____ ___ when you __________? 2. 你打算如何做? How _____ you _____ to ____ that? grow up to be are going do * 1. 我想成为一名工程师。 I want to ____ ___ _________. 2. 我打算非常努力地学习数学。 I’m ______ _____ ______ _____ really hard. be an engineer going to study math * People come to see me when they are sick. I can help to make them feel better. a doctor Who am I * 3. be going to + v. 表示即将发生的事或最近________的动作。表示说话者的意图、推测和打算。 打算进行 2.Key sentences: What do you want to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that? 1. New words: pilot ,driver… * 3. 玛丽要卖她的汽车。 Mary is going to sell her car.? 4. 今天早上我不吃早餐。 I’m not going to have breakfast this morning.? 2. 她打算将来搬到上海。 She’s going to move to Shanghai. 1. 我打算下个月去北京参观。 I’m going to visit Beijing next year. * 2.Talk about dreams with partners by using “What do you want to be …?” “How are you going to do that …?” 1. Review the new words * I know you could reach the top make sure that you won't stop be the one that you wanna be * * Section A 1a-1c * What jobs did you hear in the song? Be What U Wanna Be * Be What U Wanna Be doctor actor lawyer (律师) singer policeman postman * 1. Words about jobs ---How are you going to do that ? 2.Key sentences: What do you want to be when you grow up? --- I am going to … 3.Talk about dreams * actor 演员 singer 歌手 policeman 警察 reporter 记者 teacher 教师 farmer 农民 * driver?/'dra?v?(r)/ computer programmer/'pr??gr?m?/ doctor /'d?kt?/ cook /k?k/ * violinist /,va??'l?n?st/ pilot/'pa?l?t/ engineer /,end??'n??/ scientist/'sa??nt?st/ pianist?/'p??n?st/ * 1a Do you think these jobs are interesting? Rank them [1-12]. ___computer programmer ___ cook ___ doctor ___ engineer ___ teacher ___ violinist ___ bus driver ___ pilot ___ pia


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