高一年级英语上册必修一 Unit 6 Understanding ideas 教学设计.docx

高一年级英语上册必修一 Unit 6 Understanding ideas 教学设计.docx

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PAGE PAGE 11 必修一 Unit 6 Understanding ideas 教学文字稿 (PPT1) Hello, everyone! Welcome to my class, I am Ms Dong from Tianjin High School. You know nature provides us with living environment and beauty, and we should work with nature so that we can live a harmonious life. In this lesson, we’ll learn how people from some ethnic minorities work with nature. (PPT2) Step 1: Analysis of the material (PPT3) 课文语篇类型为说明文。文章介绍了位于广西壮族自治区桂林市龙胜各族自治县的龙脊梯田, 描绘了龙脊梯田在不同季节的美景,讲述了当地少数民族建造梯田的原因,介绍了梯田的运作原理。通过学习,我们可以了解人类对自然的合理利用与改造,体会当地人民与自然的和谐相处,熟悉当地人的环保观念。 (PPT4) Step 2: Leading-in (PPT5) First of all, let’s look at two pictures. You see the people in the pictures are wearing colorful clothes, dancing and smiling happily. They are Zhuang and Yao people. Now everyone, try to talk about what you know about the Zhuang and Yao ethnic groups. (停顿15秒) (PPT6) I’ll share my information with you. The Zhuang ethnic group is China's largest minority group.?Most of them inhabit(居住于)Guangxi, and they are fond of singing. (PPT7) What about the Yao ethnic group? Most Yao people live in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Bama Yao autonomous county, located in the northwest of Guangxi, has been honored as “China’s longevity(长寿)village”.? From the above information, we can see many people in Zhuang and Yao ethnic groups live in Guangxi, where there are a lot of mountains. Nature may have provided them with trees, rivers, mountains, but challenges as well. So, how do people there work with nature to live a harmonious life? Let’s get close to their life through the passage to appreciate their wisdom. (PPT8) Step 3: Knowledge learning (PPT9) Now, everyone, turn to Page 62. Read the passage and find out what problems the local people solved by working with nature. (停顿30秒) Have you finished? Let’s look at the answers together. (PPT10) How many problems do they face? People there face two problems, so two problems ar


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