高一年级英语上册必修一 Unit 6 Using language 教学设计.docxVIP

高一年级英语上册必修一 Unit 6 Using language 教学设计.docx

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PAGE PAGE 13 必修一 Unit 6 Using language 教学文字稿 (PPT1) Hello, everyone! Welcome to my class, I am Ms Dong from Tianjin High School. In the last lesson we appreciated the amazing Longji Rice Terraces in whose description there are some attributive clauses, and today we will have a further study about the attributive clauses. Besides, we will also enjoy the beauty of nature and learn to describe different geographical features. (PPT2) Step 1: Analysis of the material 本节课语法部分学习并总结限定性定语从句中“介词 + which/whom”的表意功能,通过改写句子的活动加深对该结构的理解,并通过在真实语境中的运用,掌握“介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句,在此过程中了解人们对天然染料的应用,提高人与自然和谐相处的意识。词汇部分以地理特征为话题,通过学习对地理景观的描述及阅读一封介绍中国不同地貌的邮件,同学们掌握如何用所学知识描述地貌特征。 (PPT3) Step 2: Leading-in Let’s look at some pictures first, and do you still remember what we learnt in the last lesson? Yes, we learnt something about the Longji Rice Terraces. Why did people build the terraces in Guangxi? (停顿5秒) Building the terraces therefore meant that they could increase the areas in which they could grow rice. The Longji Rice Terraces are undoubtedly a masterpiece. In the answer, you can see an attributive clause with “in which”. 这是一个限定性定语从句,由介词 “in”+关系代词 “which” 引导。这节课我们一起来学习“介词 + 关系代词”这个结构引导的限定性定语从句。 (PPT4) Step 3: Knowledge learning (PPT5) Let’s turn to Page 65 and focus on Activity 1 first. Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions. What do “which” and “whom” refer to in each sentence? (停顿10秒) In sentence (a), “which” refers to “the areas” and in sentence (b), “whom” refers to “the local people”. Why do we use prepositions before “which” and “whom”? (停顿10秒) Because “which” and “whom” serve as the object of the action phrases that end with a preposition. 在这两个定语从句中,“which” 和 “whom” 是介词的宾语。 In sentence (a), can we replace “in which” with “where” without changing the meaning?(停顿5秒) Yes, we can replace “in which” with “where” in sentence (a) without changing the meaning, so we could al



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