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PAGE 1 PAGE 1 2018-2019学年名校高一下期中汇编——语法 1、新中高级中学 Thoughts of a great mind To you, Karl Marx (1818-1883) might be the man with a bushy face who watches over you in a frame in your classroom, usually alongside another bushy-faced man named Friedrich Engels (1820-1895). But ___21___ the world, Marx is a philosopher, economist, historian, and revolutionist. This year ___22___(mark) the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth, so maybe it’s time for you to learn more about him. Indeed, he’s a man who helped us understand ___23___ the world works in more than one way. Marx was a philosopher. We use his theories all the time, even though we may not realize it. For example, he believed that a cause would always lead to a result, which calls on us ___24___(think) twice before making a move. He also discovered the rule that when many small changes built up, they finally lead to a big one, good or bad, ___25___ reminds us of the importance of details 26_____ _____ they don’t seem to matter at the time. But Marx himself didn’t seem to think it was enough to simply be a philosopher. “The philosophers ___27___(interpret) the world in various ways. The point, however, is to change it,” he once wrote. So he did. With his The Communist Manifesto (《共产党宣言》), ___28___(publish) in 1848 in London, Marx expressed his ideals on communism and how a fairer society could be built. He also delved into (探究) the fact that the world’s wealth wasn’t equally distributed, with 10 percent of the world’s population possessing most of it while the other 90 percent owned almost ___29___. Now that 150 years have passed, the world is still pretty much how Marx described it. But no matter if he was a philosopher, revolutionist or economist, all in all, Marx was a man who wanted to change the world for ___30___(good). 【Keys】21. to 22. marks 23. how 24. to think 25. which 26. even if/though 27. have interpreted/interprets 28. published 29. nothing/none 30. the better


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