高中英语_Healthy eating 主题语境下的词汇复习与拓展教学课件设计.ppt

高中英语_Healthy eating 主题语境下的词汇复习与拓展教学课件设计.ppt

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Healthy Eating 主题语境下的词汇复习与拓展 Master some words and chunks (语块)on healthy eating is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. 1 2 3 Learning aims Learn to use some key words&chunks in the context.u To raise the awareness of living a healthy life.Guild 话题词汇 语境习得 思考与写作 Contents 目录 Healthy eating Part1 饮食话题词汇 Life is like diet, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy are like all kinds of life. How can we know the taste without tasting it personally? 人生如饮食,酸甜苦辣就像那人生百态,不亲自尝尝又怎么知道其中滋味呢。 left over pizza, crips(薯片),instant noodle(方便面),cookies, pastries,(甜食),bread,yoghurt, gluten,sparckling water,chocolate If you go self-isolated (自我隔离) at home,What kind of food would you choose? and why? N 名词: vegetables, fruit, pork, mutton(羊肉), pizza, crips(薯片),instant noodle(方便面),cookies,bread,yoghurt, gluten,sparckling water, cola, milk, soup, ice-cream, slimming food....... Adj 形容词: delicious, tasty, tasteless, harmful, healthy, overweight, sour, sweet, bitter ,spicy salty, necessary,bitter....... Expressions: be good/bad for, be in good health , be on a diet(节食),keep fit ,lose weight, build up one's body...... I prefer/ would like to ......., because..... * * 2020 FOOD Flavour (味) Places & Ways 话题词汇 Food varieties(种类) Problems Benefits What we are supposed to do * * 2020 FOOD Flavour (口味) delicious, tasty, tasteless,terrible, harmful, healthy, sour, sweet, bitter,spicy salty, necessary, bitter, refreshing, Exquisite, Places & Ways canteen, cafetiaria treat sb, reservation, take an order, starter, appetizer(开胃菜), main course(主菜) dessert(甜食), 话题词汇 Chinese cuisine(风味,饭菜), fast food, snack, hamburgers, Healthy food, Junk food,fat food, slimming food 动词 Chew, drink Smell, swallow taste Food varieties(种类) 学法指导: When you review some words or expressions, try to recall as many related (相关的)words as you can 老师有话说 Part2 语境(context)习得 Consult your doctor before starting any food supplement. 在食用任何新的补充物之前咨询你的医生. 总 结 用 法 * / 共 页 Consult 一词多义 Cons


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