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滁州市保安服务有限公司辅警人员专业化路径研究 目 录 摘要 3 一、滁州市保安服务有限公司辅警人员现状5 (一)辅警人员使用分布和工作基本情况 5 (二)辅警人员流失现状及专业化程度 5 二、滁州市保安服务有限公司辅警人员专业化过程中存在的主要 问题6 (一)辅警人员专业化进展的制度不够健全 6 (二)辅警人员专业化的社会支持体系缺失 7 (三)辅警人员专业化的激励机制尚未建立 7 三、推进辅警人员专业化的路径思考8 (一)完善制度设计,加强部门领导8 (二)坚持积极探究,勇于创新方法9 (三)依法依规用工,重视激励保障9 四、结语10 参考文献 11 摘 要 随着社会经济的进展,滁州市人民群众对警力的诉求越来越猛烈, 市各地公安 机关都使用大量非人民警察身份的人员,人们称之为辅警。在编制有限、警力严峻不 足的情况下,他们在刑事侦办、治安维稳、交通治理等方面承担着大量的工作,是滁 州市公安机关赖以依靠的一支不可或缺的重要力量。通过对滁州市保安服务有限公 司警务辅助人员的现状进行分析,发觉在实际的使用治理过程中依旧存在着不少的 问题,这些问题日益成为阻碍警力无增长改善的主要原因,警力得不到充分的发挥。 有鉴于此,需要对此做出改进措施。探究警务辅助人员专业化的进展路径,完善警务 辅助人员专业化的治理制度,提高警务辅助人员自身的专业化水平,是实现警务辅助 人员长效健康进展的必定要求。 关键词 :滁州市保安服务有限公司;辅警;专业化 Abstract With the development of social economy, the people of our city have more and more strong demands for police force. Public security organs around our city use a large number of people who are not police officers. People call them auxiliary police officers. Under the circumstance of limited establishment and serious shortage of police force, they are undertaking a lot of work in criminal investigation, public security, traffic management and so on. They are an indispensable and important force on which the public security organs of our city rely. Through the analysis of the current situation of police assistants in Chuzhou Security Service Co., Ltd., it is found that there are still many problems in the actual use and management process. These problems have increasingly become the main obstacle to the growth and improvement of police force, and the police force has not been fully developed. In view of this, we need to take measures to improve it. Exploring the development path of police assistant professional


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