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中国崛起的英文演讲 第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部第一篇:中国崛起的英文演讲第二篇:中国崛起 演讲第三篇:中国节日的英文演讲第四篇:中国功夫英文演讲第五篇:中国的崛起更多相关范文 第一篇:中国崛起的英文演讲 mr. robert,dear classmates: my speech is china“s rise will benefit the whole world. in the past decades,especially after the implementation of reform and opening-up policy,china has witnessed remarkable changes in various fields and has attracted worldwide attention,so a wholly new word "china"s rise"came into the world arena,there are two apparently different viewpoints towards china"s rise.some countries subjectively and baselessly think china"s rise is horrifying and worrying,they interpret china as a growing monster,putting forward "china threat theory" to deter or contain this great country.but i hold the totally opposite opinion. china has diligent,wise and charismatic leaders,and most importantly,all of them are staunch supporters of a peaceful and prosperous world.every year,china sends a large number of peacekeepers to unstable areas all over the world,and china now has more peacekeepers than any other country.though china attaches great significance to its military affairs,the purpose are just to carry on self-defence and maintain peace instead of invading or threatening others. as to economy and trade,this year,china has surpassed japan in economic volume,ranking second merely after the us.china has became an important export market not only for its neighboring countries,including the republic of korea and japan,but also the eu and the us. especially after the financial crisis occuring in xx,china has been leading global economic the meantime,china is a responsible country with a rare sense of responsibility to all humanity.its aid to developing countries has been unconditional,and on the other hand, china waived many debts of scores of least developed countries from africa, asia, the caribbean and the south pacific. china is a peace-loving country,but that doesn"t mean to gain peace and stability,it


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