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英 文 测 试 Take the best choice from the following four answers, please. 1. Chief complaint consists of ________. a. history of present illness b. biographical data c. main symptom(s) and duration d. all symptom(s) or signs 2. The feature of physical signs is ________. a. subjective disturbance b. patients feeling c. objective finding d. as same as symptom 3. The temperature of high fever is ________. a. 37.4~38 °C b. 38.1~39 °C c. 39.1~41 °C d. above 41 °C 4. ________ shows high temperature from 39~40°C, which continues for days or weeks with fluctuation more than 2 °C. a. Continuous fever b. Remittent fever c. Intermittent fever d. Undulant fever 5. In malaria, the fever curve often shows as ________. a. low fever b. periodic fever c. recurrent fever d. irregular fever 6. Fever frequently occurs ________. a. only in infectious diseases b. only in noninfectious illness. c. not only in infection but in many noninfectious illness d. by various infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi) 7. Edema results from ________. a. increased hydrostatic pressure, decreased oncotic pressure or disrupted capillary permeability b. increased capillary hydrostatic pressure and colloid osmotic pressure c. decreased oncotic pressure and disruption of capillary endothelium d. increased vessel permeability and leakage of protein 8. Pitting edema in the lower extremities is one of the characteristics of ________. a. pneumonia b. right heart failure c. hepatitis d. renal diseases 9. Inspiratory dyspnea indicates ________. a. acute pulmonary edema b. cardiac asthma c. obstruction of




