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第×卷 第×期 集成技术 Vol.9 No.2 ××××年××月 JOURNAL OF INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGY ××. ×××× 全球合成生物行业发展前沿分析 1 2 2 1 2* 1* 邱伟龙 ,廖秀灵 ,罗巍 ,李航 ,夏霖 ,张岚 , 1 (北京演绎科技有限公司,北京 100000) 2 (中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,深圳 518000) 摘要:合成生物学在经历早期的技术创新和商业化初步探索后,于21世纪的第二个十年迎来 了高速发展和商业化落地。从市场规模角度来看,由合成生物学直接驱动的全球市场规模在2019 年已达到53.19亿美元。具体分地区来看,北美和欧洲主导市场格局,亚洲紧随其后。从一级市 场投融资角度来看,全球数百家合成生物学初创公司在2010年至2020年间共获得了超过210 亿美元的风险投资,北美是全球合成生物学投融资最活跃的地区,欧洲和亚洲其次。从下游应用 行业角度来看,合成生物学已展现出巨大的潜力,大量优秀的产品导向型公司正在医疗健康、农 业、化工、食品、消费品和能源等领域不断涌现。 关键词 合成生物学;生物经济;生物制造;医疗健康 中图分类号:Q81;R9 Overview of the Development Frontiers of the GlobalSynthetic Biology Industry 1 2 2 1 2 1 QIU Weilong ,LIAOXiuling ,LUOWei ,LI Hang ,XIA Lin ,ZHANG Lan 1 (BeijingYanyi Technology Co.Ltd,Beijing 100000,China) 2(Shenzhen Institute ofAdvanced Technology, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518000, China) Abstract:Synthetic biology is experiencing rapid growth and commercialization in the second decade of the 21st century, after an earlier groundbreaking technological innovation and initial exploration of commercialization. The global market directly driven by synthetic biology has reached $5.319 billion in 2019, with North America and Europe playing leading roles and followed by Asia. The primary investment and financing market is booming, since hundreds of synthetic biology startups around the world have received a total of more than $21 billion investments from venture capitals during the last decade. North America is the most active region for synthetic biology investment and financing in the world, followed by Europe and Asia. Synthetic biology has also demonstrated great potential in applications. A


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