热门微信公众号的内容生产与传播特征——以 “一条”为例.doc

热门微信公众号的内容生产与传播特征——以 “一条”为例.doc

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PAGE PAGE 25 热门微信公众号的内容生产与传播特征——以 “一条”为例 摘要:社交性媒介的快速发展,使得受众的社交方式、社交习惯发生变化。微信公众号是基于微信其庞大用户数及高日活跃用户数、月活跃用户数的阅读类产品。热门微信公众号的关注量要远远高于一些权威新闻媒体。这些热门公众号的内容和传播迎合了广大受众的喜好,并得到大众的关注。本文以热门微信公众号“一条”为研究对象,主要分析热门微信公众号的内容生产具有的主题明确、思路清晰、创新内容与格式的特征及传播主体的明确性、传播内容的原创性与专业性、传播主体的一致性、传播渠道的多样性等特征。以及热门微信公众号在运营发展中的过分商业化、高格调等对微信公众号产生的不利影响。 关键词:微信公众号内容生产传播特征? 流行 The Characteristics of content Production and communication about Popular WeChat public number - Taking "yitiaotv" as an Example Abstract: The rapid development of social media, making the audience social way and social habits have changed. The WeChat public number is based on the lager number of WeChat users and the lager number of active users. People pay more attention to popular WeChat public number than some authoritative news media. The content and communication of these popular public numbers cater to the preferences of the audience and get their attention. In this article, the popular WeChat public number "yitiaotv" as the example of study. Mainly analyze the content of the popular WeChat public number of the production of a clear theme, clear thinking, innovative content and format features. The communication characteristics of WeChat public number are clear, originality, professionalism, diversity and so on. As well as the popular WeChat public number in the development have some adverse effects, because of high style and too commercialize. Keywords: WeChat public number content production communication characteristics popular 一、微信公众号及“一条”的简介 (一)微信公众号简介 1.微信公众号 (1)微信的产生与发展 社会化媒体在国外已发展成熟,从MySpace开始的各种虚拟社交网络的全球蓬勃发展,到目前由Facebook领导,国外互联网经历了受众社交工具的使用范式的变化。 Tomá?.Feige . Social Media Marketing – Analysis of Online presence of Slovak banks[EB/OL].[2013/3]. /Literature/readurl.aspx?id=100291507&type=2. 目前无论国外还是国内一切都围绕着共享、互通、社会化关联和无限制沟通展开。目前国内互联网发展的核心是“个人媒介”,“个人媒介”传承传统网站媒介的优良点即强大的开放性、传播的广泛性。同时,也去其糟粕,抛弃了传统网站的“一人一网”的信息交流模式 Chu-Bing Zhang,Yi-Na Li,Bo Wu , Dong-Jin Li《Computers in Human Behavior》69 (2017) 284-293 ,以用户为信息产生与传播的中心,使得大众


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