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LeggPerthes病观察临床医学 目录 TOC \o "1-9" \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:LeggPerthes病观察临床医学 1 1 资料与方法 2 2 结果 3 3 讨论 4 文2:Perthes病17例治疗分析 6 1 对象与方法 7 2 结果 8 3 讨论 9 参考文摘引言: 11 原创性声明(模板) 12 文章致谢(模板) 12 正文 LeggPerthes病观察临床医学 文1:LeggPerthes病观察临床医学 Clinical Observation of LeggPerthes Disease Abstract:Objective The clinical observation of the result of synovectomy and fenestration and decompression procedure of head neck of femur and osteoepiphysis and Complex Salvia miltiorrhiza by intravenous trafusion after operation treatment of cases of LeggPerthes In 71 cases of LeggPerthes disease beglonging to group Ⅱ or Ⅲor Ⅳ according to Catterall′s classification,synovectomy and fenestration and decompression procedure of head neck of femur and osteoepiphysis were done and Complex Salvia miltiorrhiza treatment were done by intravenous trafusion after The results of treatment were evaluated according to function of hip joint and change of Xray total excellent rate was 80% and good %,fine rate was % by cases were followed up for 110 yea, average The treatment of above is an effective measure to adapte the patients of Catterall group Ⅱ and Ⅲ,It can obviously repair development of osteoepiphysis and decrease disability of disease. key words:children;LeggPerthes diseases;complex salvia miltiorrhiza LeggPerthes病即儿童股骨头缺血性坏死,又称股骨头骨骺骨软骨炎,是骨科的常见和疑难病,病残率高,严重影响患儿身心健康。其病因与发病机制众说纷纭,其真正原因尚未阐明,国内治疗方案也颇多,大多围绕改善股骨头的血液供应和促进坏死修复来进行。我院自1995年1月至2005年5月对71 例LeggPerthes患儿进行了滑膜切除、骺颈减压,术后复方丹参注射液静脉点滴治疗,共有64 例获得随访,现报告如下。 1 资料与方法 一般资料 从1995年1月至2005年5月我院对71 例LeggPerthes病患儿进行了滑膜切除、骺颈减压,术后复方丹参静脉治疗。获得随访64 例(70髋),随访时间1~10年,平均随访时间年。其中男54 例(59髋),女10 例(11髋),男女比例为∶1。年龄最小2 岁,最大14 岁,平均 岁。按Catterall′s分期,Ⅱ期20 例(20髋),Ⅲ期36 例(41髋),Ⅳ期8 例(9髋) 临床表现 该组病例中均有患髋疼痛、跛行。查体可见早期髋关节肌肉痉挛,其关节各个方向活动均有受限,以外展内旋活动受限为著。发病原因中有一过性滑膜炎2 例,创伤4 例,局部炎症5 例,先髋关节复位不当造成的医源性坏死者2 例,其余病例发病原因不明。 治疗方法 本组病例术前均进行患肢皮肤牵引1周,松解关节周围肌肉痉挛,采用全麻或硬膜外麻醉,取髋关节前外侧SP切口,切除关节囊前外侧大部分滑膜,于股骨头颈交界区的囊区表面开窗约4 cm×4 cm,刮除囊内病骨及肉芽,于大转子取适量松质骨植入囊腔,充


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