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白介素13在荨麻疹发病中的作用 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:白介素13在荨麻疹发病中的作用 1 1 对象和方法 3 11 研究对象 3 12 实验方法 3 121 标本采集 3 123 血清IL13测定 4 124 血清总IgE测定 4 125 统计学方法 4 2 结果 4 21 流式细胞仪测定结果 4 22 ELISA检测结果 4 23 急、慢性荨麻疹患者血清IL13水平与IgE的相关性 5 3 讨论 5 文2:初探血清白介素-13在COPD不同时期的变化 6 1 资料与方法 6 2 结果 7 3 讨论 7 参考文摘引言: 8 原创性声明(模板) 9 文章致谢(模板) 10 正文 白介素13在荨麻疹发病中的作用 文1:白介素13在荨麻疹发病中的作用 Abstract: Objective To investigate the role of interleukin (IL)13 in the patients with acute and chronic In 22 patients with acute urticaria, 21 patients with chronic urtiearia and 19 normal controls, the levels of IL13, IL4 and interferon (IFN)T of the peripheral T lymphocytes were measured by flow cytometry. The serum cancontratio of IL13 and total IgE were tested by The results of flow cytometry showed that the level of IL13 of the patients with acute urticaria was significantly higher than that of the nornal controls (P0. 0 5 ). Although the expression level of IL13 also increased in the patients with chronic ulticaria, there was no significant difference when compared with that of the normal controls. There was no significant difference in the expiession level of IL4 between the acute and the chronic urticarial patients. The IL13 findings measured by ELISA was coistent with those by flow cytometry. There were no changes in the expression of IFNT in the parients. The toral serum IgE level of the patients with acute and chronic urticaria was significantly higher than that of normal controls (P). Conclusion IL13 may play an important role in the pathogenesis of acute urticaria. Key words: urticaria; interleukin13; interleukin4 人白介素13(IL13)在变态反应过程中有着重要而独特的作用,它不像IL4作用于T淋巴细胞向Th2分化的起始阶段,它在体内的持续时间较长,作用的靶细胞较多,所以主要对过敏性疾病的效应阶段起着优势性的主导作用[1]。为了研究IL13在急、慢性荨麻疹发病中的作用,我们用流式细胞仪进行了此两类患者淋巴细胞内IL13,IFNγ水平的检测,并用ELISA方法测定患者血清内IL13和IgE的表达,分析IL13与IgE的相关性,以探讨IL13在急、慢性荨麻疹发病中的作用。 1 对象和方法 11 研究对象 正常人20例,男8例,女12 例,年龄20~45岁,平均33.56岁,均为健康志愿者。急性荨麻疹


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