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重型脑损伤患者高压氧治疗前后血清SODLPO含量变化临床医学 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:重型脑损伤患者高压氧治疗前后血清SODLPO含量变化临床医学 2 1 对象与方法 3 1.1 一般资料 3 12 治疗方法 3 1.3 血标本采集及检测方法 4 1.4 疗效评定 4 1.5 统计方法 4 2 结果 4 2.1 两组患者血清SOD及LPO含量 4 22 GOS预后评估结果 5 3 讨论 5 文2:重型脑损伤患者家属的健康教育 6 1 健康教育方法 6 2 健康教育内容 7 3 效果评价 8 参考文摘引言: 9 原创性声明(模板) 10 文章致谢(模板) 10 正文 重型脑损伤患者高压氧治疗前后血清SODLPO含量变化临床医学 文1:重型脑损伤患者高压氧治疗前后血清SODLPO含量变化临床医学 Abstract: Objective To discuss the effect of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) on severe cerebral damage patients and on their lactoperoxidase (LPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels. Methods HBO therapy was applied to 55 patients with severe cerebral damage three days after their conditio got stable. Their SOD and LPO levels were measured respectively an hour before initial therapy, 48 hou and the second week after the beginning of HBO therapy, and they were compared with that of 54 control patients to whom HBO was not SOD level went up and LPO level went down 48 hou after HBO groups initial therapy in both of the two groups between which there were no clear differences (P), but SOD level went up and LPO level went down significantly in HBO group in the second week when compared with that of control group (P). Not only the good recovery rate was obviously higher but also the death rate was clearly lower in HBO group than in control group (P). Conclusion The production of oxygen-derived free radicals is effectively inhibited by HBO and so is lipid peroxidatic reaction. Thus, HBO is capable of protecting cerebral tissues structure and function and improving the severe cerebral damage patients prognoses. Key words: hyperbaric oxyge; severe cerebral damage; superoxide dismutase; lactoperoxidase 自由基广泛存在于生物体内,生物体内氧自由基有其特定生理功能,也有广泛的致病作用,自由基与脑损伤关系密切。颅脑损伤后,体内超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase SOD)活性下降,过氧化脂质(Lactoperoxidase LPO)含量升高,LPO等自由基和多种伤害性因素作用叠加,可以导致“细胞钙超载”,引起神经元细胞的死亡。而SOD和LPO常用来反映生物体内自由基损害的程度[1]。本文旨在探讨高压氧治疗重型脑损伤的疗效及对血清SOD,LPO的影响,以进一步探讨其临床意义。 1 对象与方法


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