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  第三单元 创业资金融通;      融 资 概 述;      融 资 概 述;  第一节 大学生融资;   第一节 大学生融资;  第一节 大学生融资;  国内部分著名的天使基金网站;   第一节 大学生融资;   第二节 融资实战;   第二节 融资实战;   第二节 融资实战;     第三节 创业计划书;   一、商业计划书目录;  二、计划书撰写的注意事项;The current estimate for sales growth for all sales in China, with the exception of Taiwan sales which are documented separately on page 144 of the 1996 Country Forecast Plan (data section) and including all non-agent sales, annualised and excluding (by statistical method known as Cyclical Trend Correlation) any seasonal fluctuations, is expected to average 9.882% in the years 1997 to 1999, then 9.976% in 2000 and 2001, rising to 9.997%,briefly, in 2002 and finally reaching 9.898% in 2003 and 2004. On this growth rate, total sales will almost double in 7 years and more than double in 8 years - if any of you have read this far, please raise your hand - doubling exactly in 7 years and 6.8 months. This slide is so boring I bet you havent read it !;Growth forecasted at approximately (allowing for seasonal shifts) 9.984% every year (except 1998 due to a change of components supplier when it is 9.881%) If these rates * continue uninterrupted (other than cyclical - average remains at 10% every year) total sales (all China except Taiwan) will increase by 100% within 7 years and 7.5 months. * Note: Above data was compiled by COPL/554 (August 1997) and is in the Country Business Plan pages 22-34 (Data Section).;销售额每年增长10%. 销售额8年内将翻一番.;Sales double within 8 years;销售额8年翻一番!;  (二)计划书各章节撰写提示;  (二)计划书各章节撰写提示;  (二)计划书各章节撰写提示;  (二)计划书各章节撰写提示;  (二)计划书各章节撰写提示;  (二)计划书各章节撰写提示;  (二)计划书各章节撰写提示;  (二)计划书各章节撰写提示;  (二)计划书各章节撰写提示;  (二)计划书各章节撰写提示;千里之堤溃于蚁穴,小洞不补大洞难堵。20.11.320.11.3Tuesday, November 03, 2020 清洁:维持前3S的成果,制度化,规范化。16:44:5216:44:5216:4411/3/2020 4:44:52 PM ???造有魅力的质量,造就忠实顾客群体。20.11.316:44:5216:44Nov-203-Nov-20 多看一眼,安全保险;多防一步,少出事故。16:44:5216:44:5216:44Tuesday, November 03, 2020 预防保养及时做,生产顺畅不会错。20.11.320.11.316:44:5216:44:52November 3, 2020 安全生产常抓不懈,抓而不紧,等于不抓。2020-11-03下午4时44分20.11.320.11.3 传播安全知识,践行社


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