英语教学课件设计_U5P1 Warming up.pptVIP

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Look at the pictures below. Try to match the names of the parks with the pictures. Can you guess which are parks and which are theme parks? Parks: Beihai Park, Central Park Theme parks: Camelot Park, World Waterpark, Disneyland, Dollywood There are many rides to go on and shows to see. With your partner, discuss what kind of activities we can take in a theme park. Discussion roller coaster pirate ship merry-go-round ferris wheel bungee jumping free-fall drop slide bumper car Has your partner ever tried any activity mentioned above? Why or why not? 2. Which activity does your partner prefer in a theme park? Why? Pair Work—Interview purpose to entertain to make profits to educate What are the three purposes of the theme parks? Give examples. to entertain Visitors can learn about history, cultures and science. to educate Admission fees are charged, extra payment is required for rides and shows, and souvenirs and brand-name items are sold. to make profits In the Disneyland, people can not only enjoy the exciting activities there, but also get close to the life-size cartoon characters like the Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, which appear in some of Walt Disney’s famous cartoon films. The oldest and the most popular theme park in the world is ____________. Disneyland Welcome * * * 必修4 Theme parks Unit 5 Objective 了解主题公园与一般公园的异同,了解一些世界著名的主题公园。 我们在此处增加本课时重点单词和短语表达部分, 旨在帮助学生在上课前对早读学习的单词及短语进行复习回顾,从而加深记忆。 ★ 用一分钟时间对单词进行复习,使学 生在新课学习中没有单词障碍。 ★ 通过朗读,使学生熟练掌握单词的正 确发音。 ★ 所呈现单词均出自课本单词表中的词 汇。 theme central n. 题目;主题 (曲) adj. 中心的;中央的 Words review Have you ever been to some parks? If you have, which kind of park do you like and why do you go there? Amuse ourselves, escape our busy lives for a while. For example, sit chatting, play chess, play games, listen to birds’ sing and so on. Look at the following pictures about some world parks. Do you know their names? Yellowstone


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