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Every story starts with a lie. 每个故事都始于一个谎言 Thats the job of beginnings-- 故事的开始告诉你 to tell you youre safe. 你很安全 That all of this last said nothing will change. 故事的结局说一切都不会改变 But underneath, there are signs... 但在表象下 有迹象展现 of your true story. 你真正的故事 Who made you. 那些造就了你的人 Who harmed you. 伤害你的人 What battles you were born to fight. 那些生来就要参与的斗争 You wont want to hear it yet, 你再也不想听了 so youll run. 所以你逃跑 Live. 生存 Collect the things that matter along the way. 寻找沿途重要的事物 An oath. 誓言 Your team. 团队 A home. 家 Only then will you see the real enemy. 只有那样你才能发现真正的敌人 Her. 她 Last of a dying race 最后一个垂死的种族 come to destroy ours. 来毁灭我们的种族 She has her ships and her slaves, 她有飞船和奴隶 but you have them. 但你有他们 This strange, messy, impossible family... 这个奇怪 混乱 不可思议的家庭 full of enemies... 充斥着敌人 and siblings... 兄弟姐妹 lovers... 爱人 And hope. 还有希望 It doesnt matter how your story begins. 故事如何开始并不重要 Its about whos with youat the end. 重要的是在故事的结尾 身旁有谁相随 Did everyone make it out in time? 大家都及时出来了吗 Lord hopes. 希望吧 Armada didnt much care for your baller move. 舰队才不在乎你的人出没出来 Started bombing other cities in retaliation. 开始轰炸其他城市报复 We take much longer, 我们花了点时间 there wont be any Quad left to save. 但成功救了奎德 Did your refugees make it out? 你那儿的难民都逃出来了吗 Old Towners? 老城的人吗 Yeah, safe on the prison ship with Rennika and Gared. 安全了 和伦尼卡还有加尔在监狱飞船上 So this is it. 所以就是这样了 No backsies. 没有回头路了 And no good-byes. 也不说再见 Stick to the plan, yeah? 还是原计划进行 对吗 Were gonna see each other again. 我们还会见面的 Tap our hearts. 拍拍胸膛 Screw it, I want hugs. 去他的 我想要拥抱 Oh, thank Gods. Get in here, you animals. 感谢上帝 过来 你们这些混hearts;蛋hearts; Oh, apocalypse hugs are the best. 哦 大灾难时的拥抱最棒了 This is how cold sores are spread. 感冒就是这样传播的 Come on, Ginger. Bring it in. 来吧 金杰 加入我们吧 Wake up. 醒醒 You opened the cube? 你打开了立方体吗 I learned all of Yalenas secrets 青春期时 我就知道了 while in the green. 雅琳娜所有的秘密 Do you know who I am? 你知道我是谁吗 Yes. 知道 Good. 很好 Time to rise, Little Man. 该起床了 小朋友 For what? 为什么 Armageddon. 大决战 That body youre in? 你所在的那个身体 Its mine now. 现


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