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课后作业(十五) Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.He spoiled my__________(enjoy) of the film by talking all the time. 2.It was totally__________(understand) that you stayed home when you were sick. 3.We need to find a__________(solve) to the problem as soon as possible. 4.He always talks in such a rude way that everyone __________ (like) him. 5.We're going to change our suppliers as they became very __________ (rely) last year. 6.Her dress is too long.She must have it__________(short). 7.Detroit is famous for the__________(product) of cars. 8.He was injured in the first game and__________(luck) missed the final. [答案] 1.duction 8.unluckily Ⅱ.完成句子 1.As we all know,Australia is__________________________. 我们都知道澳大利亚是个讲英语的国家。 2.China will be______________________in the middle of the 21st century. 在21世纪中叶中国将是一个高度发达的国家。 3.He found a large number of________________________. 他发现很多过路人都是成年人。 4.She is_______________________________ lady that all of us respect her. 她是一个如此热心而慷慨的女士,我们都尊重她。 5.He is ________________and he gets along well with everyone. 他脾气好而且和大家相处得很好。 [答案] 1.an English-speaking country 2.a highly-developed country 3.passers-by were grown-ups/adults 4.such a warm-hearted and generous 5.good-tempered Ⅲ.阅读理解 A Walt Disney once said,“It was all started by a mouse”, but in fact,Disneyland started with a problem. Sitting on a bench in Griffith His idea for displaying Disney characters in a fantasy setting was far away from amusement parks and carnivals(狂欢节) that offered rides, games and inexpensive food. Instead Disneyland was thought of as an extension(扩展) of the Disney brand, and would be the first “theme park” built in the United States. When Disney decided that he would be building a place that told a story, he knew that he would need people and technology to help create the magic and tell the stories. In 1952, Disney collected together a staff of designers, planners and artists and formed WED business, standing for Walter Elias Disney. The WED group began a long time of creative brainstorming.


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