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教师学科教案 [20 - 20学年度第—学期] 任教学科: 任教年级: 任教老师: xx市实验学校 外研版六年级上册英语 Module2 Unit 2 教案设计 保安镇中心小学 梁甜甜 Module 2 Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. 教学目标 知识与技能:1,学生会听说读写单词:strong. 学生会说句子: There are many mountains in China. There are lots of beautiful lakes in China . There is a very famous river. 学生会用there be句型来描述某物。 过程与方法:任务型教学法、情景教学法。 情感、态度和价值观:学习介绍中国名胜古迹,从而热爱祖国的大好 河山。 重点:用“ There is/There ar4介绍事物 难点:there be中be动词的选择。 教学过程: (一) 导入: In America, there is lots to see. In China, there is lots to see,too. Look, there are many interesting places in China. Today, boys and girls, Let together. Now Miss Ling is a guider, and I will take you to visit these famous places. Let ' s go! T show these pictures: the Huangshan Mountain, the Changjiang River, The West Lake, the Great Wall. Ss know these places. (二) 呈现新知: Activity 1 Now let ' s listen a Chant about these places. T play the tape of Activity 1, Ss listen to it and understand it. T show the new word: strong. Ss learn and know more meanings of it. T play the tape of A1 again, Ss Chant together and do some actions. Attention these words: high, long, beautiful, strong. Activity 2 T show ppt and say:Look, these are my postcards from China. Are they beautiful ? Ss: Yes, they are. T: Next, let ' s move to Activity2. Listen t( tape and find these sentencesstructure: there be. T play the tape of Acticity2. Ss find these sentences and say out. T and Ss learn them together. T play the tape of A2 again. Ss follow the tape and read it. (三) 巩固新知: Ss read Activity2 by groups( four students one group) and then show it on the front of our class. T show PPT and Let Ss fill in the blanks correctly. Choose Ss to finish it. Next, boys and girls, Imagine that you are a guider and introduce any place that I showed to our class. (四) 操练和检测: Just now, we say: there is/ there are We aTways make mistakes in this: Attention! Now let ' s review it then lead Ss to review these knowledge points: There is河数名词单词/不可数名词 There are河数名词复 数there be中的就


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