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人胎儿和新生儿小脑皮质分子层和颗粒层细胞发育的体视学分析(临床医学资料) 文档信息 属性: F-01NS7A,doc格式,正文21068字。质优实惠,欢迎下载! 适用: 作为医学资料、临床医学资料写作的参考文献,解决如何写好实用应用文、正确编写文案格式、内容摘取等相关工作。 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:人胎儿和新生儿小脑皮质分子层和颗粒层细胞发育的体视学分析 2 1 材料与方法 3 2 结果 4 3 讨论 4 文2:麻醉及麻醉药对胎儿和新生儿的影响 5 (二)肌肉松弛剂 6 (三)吸入麻醉剂 6 (四)麻醉性镇痛药 7 (五)苯二氮类药 8 (六)抗胆碱能药物 9 (七)局部麻醉药 9 参考文摘引言: 9 原创性声明(模板) 10 文章致谢(模板) 11 正文 人胎儿和新生儿小脑皮质分子层和颗粒层细胞发育的体视学分析(临床医学资料) 文1:人胎儿和新生儿小脑皮质分子层和颗粒层细胞发育的体视学分析 [ABSTRACT] Objective: To explore the development of cerebellar cortex of human fetal and newborn infants. Methods: The paramete of deity, size and distribution of the molecular and granular layer cells of cerebellar cortex of 30 human fetuses (6-10 months old )and 6 newborn infants were studied with stereological methods. Results: The values of mean volumes and mean free path of the molecular layer cells increased while their volume deity(Vv), surface deity(Sv) and nucleusvolume deity(Vvn,c) decreased as the fetal development, but these indexes were stable for mature fetal and newborn infants. The values of the volume deities, numerical deities, surface deities and mean volumes of the granular layer cells increased while their mean free path and nucleusvolume deity decreased as the fetal development, especially during the 7-8th month. Conclusion: The trafer, proliferation , differentiation of the cerebellar cortex molecular layer cells were complete before and after the birth; but the trafer, proliferation , differentiation of the cerebellar cortex granular layer cells continued after birth. The important phase for cerebellar cortex development is the 7-8th month in fetal phase. [KEY WORDS] Cerebellar cortex; Development; Stereology; Fetus; Infant; Newborn 小脑是较高级的躯体运动调解中枢,有关各种动物小脑皮质的发育方面的报道较多[13],但对于人胎儿小脑皮质神经细胞发育的研究很少,特别是应用体视学方法研究更是少见,国外Gudovic B[45]等人应用图像分析技术对不同时期小脑皮质蒲肯野细胞和橄榄核神经细胞的发育进行体视学研究。我国钱雪松[6]等应用HE染色和超薄切片技术,对4~8月人胎儿小脑皮质细胞构筑和神经细胞的发育进行了定性研究。但未见有关人胎儿小脑皮质分子层细胞、颗粒层细胞发育的体视学(定量)研究。本研究应用图像分析技术[7],即借



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