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MSCT在女性盆腔囊性及囊实性病变的诊断与鉴别诊断中的价值临床医学(临床医学资料) 文档信息 主题: 关于“医学心理学”中“医学影像”的参考范文。 属性: F-01NS7U,doc格式,正文21890字。质优实惠,欢迎下载! 适用: 作为医学资料、临床医学资料写作的参考文献,解决如何写好实用应用文、正确编写文案格式、内容摘取等相关工作。 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:MSCT在女性盆腔囊性及囊实性病变的诊断与鉴别诊断中的价值临床医学 2 1 资料与方法 3 2 结果 3 3 讨论 5 文2:胰腺实性囊性乳头状肿瘤超声诊断临床医学 10 1 资料与方法 10 2 结果 10 3 讨论 11 参考文摘引言: 12 原创性声明(模板) 12 文章致谢(模板) 13 正文 MSCT在女性盆腔囊性及囊实性病变的诊断与鉴别诊断中的价值临床医学(临床医学资料) 文1:MSCT在女性盆腔囊性及囊实性病变的诊断与鉴别诊断中的价值临床医学 [ABSTRACT] Objective: To investigate the features of female pelvic cystic and cystic solid lesio scanned by MSCT, and improve the level of diagnosis and differential diagnosis for female pelvic cystic and cystic solid lesion. Methods: Retrospectively analyzed 36 female pelvic cystic and cystic solid lesion cases with complete data including MSCT, clinical and pathological data. Results: 34 cases had lesion from gynecological orga (uterus and appendages), and 2 from other orga. 27 cases were benign, and 9 cases were malignant. Pure cystic lesion couldnt be shown due to its thin wall, and couldnt be inteified even by enhanced CT. Cystic and cystic solid lesion was strengthened at different degree in wall and solid part. Benign lesion was in regular shape, with thin and regular wall and clear border; while malignant lesion had unclear border, more solid part, uneven compartment, and inteification at different degree. Conclusion: MSCT has high accuracy in locating female pelvic cystic and cystic solid lesio, and is valuable in qualitative diagnosis. [KEY WORDS] Uterus appendages disease; Cystic; Cystic and solid lesio; MSCT 女性盆腔囊性及囊性肿块在女性盆腔疾病中较常见,且种类繁多,自2007~2008年收治女性盆腔囊性及囊实性肿块36例,均有手术及病理资料,分析归纳其CT特征,探讨MSCT对该类病变的定位及定性诊断的价值。 1 资料与方法 本组资料共36例,年龄11~86岁,平均年龄为岁,患者检查前1天无渣流食,检查前2 h分次口服3%~5%的碘溶液1 500~2 000 mL,均先做盆腔平扫后,从肘静脉注射造影剂欧苏80 mL,速率2~3 mL,注射后60 s开始扫描,从耻骨联合下缘扫描至髂嵴水平,但平扫发现病变延及上腹部时则加扫至膈面包括整个腹部。层厚取7~10 mm,螺距取,感兴趣区层厚改为3~5 mm并行三维重建。当扫描包括整个腹部时,螺距采用。1次或2次屏气完成。 2 结果 36例囊性或囊实性病变经手术病理证实,直接来源于妇科器官(子宫附件等)34例。良性25例,其中子宫肌


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