高考英语 Module_6__The_Internet_and_Telecommunications件 外研版.ppt

高考英语 Module_6__The_Internet_and_Telecommunications件 外研版.ppt

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1;2;1.The Chinese government demanded the Philippine government launch a thorough investigation into the incident and inform the Chinese side of related details as soon as possible. 中国政府强烈要求菲律宾政府对此事件展开彻底调查,并尽可能快地通知中方有关详情。 ;2.Undoubtedly,a proper diet can not only help you lose weight,but also help you keep fit and lead a more active,happier and healthier life. ;3.The majority of the students hold the view that it's convenient to go to school by electric bike.;4.When it es to me,I feel that we students should not pay much attention to our appearance. 5.He insisted on driving home no matter how hard I stopped him from doing so. ;7;一、考纲词汇识记 1. adj.     平均的 2. vt.包含;包括→ n.容器;器皿 3. n.保护;防卫→ vt.防护,防卫 4. vt.创造;发明→ n.创造(力) → adj.有创造性的;7. n.许可→ vt.允许 8. vi.集中(注意力、思想等)→ n.专心;集中 9. adj.明确的→ n.定义,释义→ vt. 阐明;解释 10. adj.独立的→ n.独立 → (反义词)adj.依赖的;依靠的;11. adv.时常;经常→ adj.频繁的 → n.频率 12. n.弊端;缺点→ n.(反义词) 优点;长处 13. vt.缩短→ adj.短的;缺乏的 ;二、高频词汇活用 一言辨异 14.Fallen rocks cut off the only ________ to the village,so it is not ________;15.I bought a book ________ for children.The ________ of the book cover is very attractive.I think the ________ is very creative.(design);1.contain vt.包含,包括;里面装有;含有;忍住,抑制 [教材P51原句]A hard disk is a separate disk that contains lots of information. 硬盘是一个包含许多信息的独立盘。 ①The box contained a dozen bottles of wine. 箱子里装有12瓶酒。 ②He could hardly his patience at her stupidity. 对???她的愚笨他失去耐心了。;contain,include (1)contain通常用来指某种容器中盛有某物、装有某物,还指某种物质中含有某成分或含有其他物质。指作


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