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Digital Twins in Smart City Digital Twins in Smart City 智慧城市中的数字孪生 A bridge between the physical and virtual world 现实世界与虚拟世界之间的桥梁 微信扫码 海量资源到手 进群即领福利《报告与资源合编》,内有近百行业、上万份行研、管理及其他学习资源免费下载; 每日分享最新6+份精选行研资料; 群友信息交流,群主免费提供相关行业报告。 报告整理于网络,只用于群友学习,请勿他用 知识星球 行业与管理资源 无限制下载各行业研究报告、咨询公司管理方案,企业运营制度、科技方案及大咖报告等。 每月更新超过3000份最新行业资源;涵盖科技、金融、教育、互联网、房地产、生物制药、医疗健康等行研报告、科技动态、管理方案; 微信扫码 学习工作无忧 微信扫码或添加客服微信(微信号:Teamkon2)免费报告等你领。 (添加好友请备注:姓名+单位+业务领域) 行业与管理资源微信群 业务合作联系微信:Teamkon What is a digital twin Digital Twins in Smart City 3 智慧城市中的数字孪生 A digital twin is a digital model or replica of a physical asset, be it a product, an organisation, a public infrastructure or even an entire city. It has a wide range of applications – from conducting diagnostics on organisational health, augmenting service designs to enabling more effective city management. In the context of a smart city, a digital twin of the city continuously collects information from the built environment (via technologies such as sensors, drones, or mobile devices). It is made possible with the use of remote communication technologies such as WiFi and Bluetooth as well as through Internet of Things (IoT) sensors that gather data from the physical world to reconstruct an identical digital copy of the city. Apart from IoT, the use of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud computing, machine learning and advanced analytics also enhance the accuracy and dynamism of this replica, allowing static, historical and real- time data to be processed and synthesised almost immediately to provide valuable insights about the performance of the city. Therefore, a digital twin can be considered as a “strategy accelerator” that facilitates public sector organisations to identify insights and connections more effectively, and to drive to better solutions with more confidence. 数字孪生是产品,機構,公共基础设施甚至整 个城市的数字模型或实物资产的副本。它具有 广泛的应用 — 从对機構进行监测,增强服务 设计到实现更有效的城市管理。在智慧城市的 背景下,城市的数字孪生不断(通过传感器, 无人机或流動裝置等的技术)从建筑环境中收 集信息。通过使用远程通信技术(例如



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