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Business Communication Fundamentals;Chapter one Getting Ready;What is business communication;The importance of communication;Put those elements into order according to the importance;Rank/Order ;美国CEO如何支配时间;The Function of Business Communication;The Categories of Business Communication ;The Characteristics of Business Communication ;The skills of communication;2)口头表达技能: 一般调查显示,口头沟通表达技能的使用频率要高于书面写作技能。公司老板更看重口头沟通、人际沟通和倾听技能;教育家则认为书面沟通的理论知识更为重要。 3)倾听技能: 我们每天??60%的时间在倾听,但倾听效果并不好,因为我们是在消极地听,积极倾听能参与获取信息、预测即将发生的事情、定期总结、倾听话外音。 ;4)写作技能: 《财富》Fortune杂志的记者在向成功的CEO们问及商务培训的话题时,他们都回答说:“要教他们写得更好!” 写作的基础技能--- 简洁、明确、清晰、有逻辑性 例:InterAccess 信息系统副总裁Hoyt Hudson指出:“信息革命最显著的一个特点就是发展的动力已经回到书面语言上来,能够进行准确沟通的人在当今社会占有绝对优势。”;The End;Business Communication Fundamentals;Chapter Two Communication Strategies;The Process Models of Communication;Noise;Noises: The most obvious type of noise is external noise (also called physical noise). This includes sounds that distract communicators, such as the babble of voices in the next room or the annoying ring of someones cell phone in a meeting; an overcrowded room or a smelly cigar. A second kind of interference is physiological noise. Hearing disorders fall into this category, as do illnesses and disabilities that make it difficult to send or receive messages. a late-night study session or having the flu. The third type of interference is psychological noise, that is, forces within the sender or receiver that interfere with understanding. Egotism, defensiveness, hostility, preoccupation, fear. ;Codes: A code is a coherent set of symbols plus the rules needed to structure a message. e.g. A language code consists essentially of a list of words, and a set of rules for preparing a text. These rules are the grammar or syntax of the language. Encoding and Decoding: Encoding is using a code to structure a message in an effort to achieve our communicative objective. Decoding is the reverse: we use our knowledge of the code to work out the



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