DIY DOG 酿酒狗精酿配方.pdfVIP

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DIY DOG The Brewdog Back Catalogue BREWING FOR PUNKS MARTIN AND I (JAMES) STARTED HOME BREWING BACK IN 2005. WE COULD NOT FIND ANY BEERS WE WANTED TO DRINK IN THE UK, SO DECIDED THE BEST THING TO DO WAS TO BREW OUR OWN. ARMED WITH SOME VERY OLD CASCADE HOPS AND A DESIRE TO RECREATE SIERRA NEVADA PALE ALE, OUR BREWING ADVENTURE STARTED. - In 2007, we got a bank loan, bought some second-hand equipment and turned our home brewing hobby into our job as BrewDog officially came howling into the world. Our original brewery in Fraserburgh was basically just a giant home brewing set up with plastic water tanks and completely manual controls. Many of the classic BrewDog beers were developed during our early days and we still use a home brewing 50L system to develop new beers and new recipes here at BrewDog. Home brewing is very much ingrained in our DNA at BrewDog as so many of the world’s great craft breweries can trace their origins back to home brewing. With DIY Dog we wanted to do something that has never been done before as well as paying tribute to our home brewing roots. We wanted to take all of our recipes, every single last one, and give them all away for free, to the amazing global home brewing community. We have always loved the sharing of knowledge, expertise and passion in the craft beer community and we wanted to take that spirit of collaboration to the next level. So here it is. The keys to our kingdom. Every single BrewDog recipe, ever. So copy them, tear them to pieces, bastardise them, adapt them and most of all enjoy them. They are well-travelled but with plenty of miles still left on the clock. Just remember to share your brews, and your results.




