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2018年英语(二)试题参考答案 Section I Use of English 1. C. resolve 2. A. seek 3. B. hurt 4. A. expose 5. D. trial 6. A. deliver 7. B. When 8. C. happen 9. D. such as 10. B. discover 11. A. food 12. B. lead to 13. D. inquiry 14. C. self-destructive 15. C. resist 16. C. predict 17. D. choose 18. A. outcome 19. C. whether 20. B. consequences Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Text1 21. A. practical ability 22. C. are not academically successful 23. B. used to have more job opportunities 24. D. indicates the overvaluing of higher education 25. A. supportive Text2 26. B. falling 27. B. is progressing notably 28. D. wind is a widely used energy source 29. C. Its continuous supply is becoming a reality. 30. A. is not really encouraged by the US government Text3 D. user information A. pose a risk to Facebook users C. cannot keep pace with the changing market B. they are not defined as customers D. the relationship between digital giants and their users Text4 36. C. keep to your focus time 37. C. detailed plans may not be as fruitful as expected 38. A. an essential factor in accomplishing any work. 39. B. can bring about greater efficiency 40. D. approaches to getting more done in less time Part B 41.A. Just say it 42.C. Skip the small talk 43.E. Find the “me too” s 44.B. Be present 45.F. Name, places, things Section Ⅲ Translation 46. 一个五年级学生拿到一份家庭作业,要求从一份职业列表中选择将来的职业道路。他勾选了“宇航员”,但很快在表上添加了“科学家”,并将它也选上。这个男孩子相信,只要他读得够多,那么他想探索多少职业道路都可以。于是,他就这样读书——从百科全书到科幻小说,什么都看。他如饥似渴地读书,以至于他的父母不得不立下一条吃饭时“不许看书的规矩”。 那个男孩就是比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),而且,他至今依然没有停止阅读——即便他已经成为这颗星球上最成功的人士之一。如今,他阅读的材料已经不再是科幻小说和参考书:最近,他透露说自己一年至少看50本非虚构作品。盖茨之所以选择非虚构作品,是因为它们解释世界是如何运行的。盖茨说:“每本书都开辟出新的知识途径。” Section IV Writing Part A 47. (略) Part B 48. (略)


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