新教材牛津译林版选择性必修第二册全册教案教学设计(Unit1 The mass media、Unit 2 Sports culture、Unit3 Fit for life等).doc

新教材牛津译林版选择性必修第二册全册教案教学设计(Unit1 The mass media、Unit 2 Sports culture、Unit3 Fit for life等).doc

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牛津译林版选择性必修第二册全册教案 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u Unit1 The mass media - 1 - Unit2 Sports culture - 23 - Unit3 Fit for life - 44 - Unit4 Living with technology - 69 - Unit1 The mass media Welcome to the unit Reading 内容分析: 本单元的主题语境是“人与社会”,话题为“大众传媒”,涉及的语篇类型有:视频、新闻报道、论说文、杂志文章等。本单元的学习旨在引导学生正确认识并理解大众传媒的形式和内涵,以及它们对日常生活和社会发展的影响和作用,并帮助学生学会合理使用各种大众传媒工具。 Welcome to the unit板块通过一段介绍大众传媒发展历史和类型的视频,为本单元的学习提供基本的语境知识,激发学生对于传媒文化的探究欲望;Reading板块以两篇新闻报道为例,论证分析了导致新闻信息差异的原因,并对如何批判性地阅读新闻报道提出建议,旨在培养学生的批判性思维能力和独立思考能力。 教学目标: By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. list the types of mass media after watching the video; 2. give more information about the types of mass media mentioned in the video; 3. introduce the types of mass media they usually use in daily life. 教学重难点: 1. Identify the key information in the two news reports and the differences between them; 2. Understand the reasons for the differences between news reports and the ways to be acritical news reader; 3.Grasp the language features and writing techniques of a news report; 4. Know about how to become a good journalist. 教学过程: Step 1 Lead-in 1. What tools do you usually use to keep up with the news? Weibo, WeChat,Tiktok,TV,Radio,Newspapers,Advertisements ... 2. Explain this quote: All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. --William Bernbach 【设计意图:紧扣主题,用学生大众媒体作为预设教学目标的情境载体导入,激活学生已有的知识和经验,引入主题。】 Step 2 Welcome to the unit 1. Have students watch the video and fill in the blanks on page one. Classify types of mass media 2. Ask the Ss: Do you believe everything you read in a news report? Why or Why not? Possible answer: Sometimes I do, but it depends on which news report I am reading. If the news is reported by a news agency that I know is trustworthy, then I will usually believe the report. However, if the news is from a source that I am not familiar with, I will often check other sources to compare the information in the reports. Moreover, if a headline seems to be too exag


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