Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Using Language选择性必修一词汇课件.pptx

Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Using Language选择性必修一词汇课件.pptx

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版本:新人教 单元:选择性必修一 Unit 3 (Using Language);1.;8.;16.;;appeal;appeal词源解读;? vi 有吸引力;有感染力 to be attractive or interesting to sb: Sport has become an important form of entertainment, appealing to both men and women. 2011 江西 ? vi vt 上诉;申诉: She’s not happy with the decision and plans to appeal. ? vi 启发;激发 to influence sb’s feelings or thoughts so that they will do sth you want: They needed to appeal to his sense of justice. ;?[C] [U] 呼吁;恳请: ① appeal (to sb) (for sth): make / launch an appeal for money and clothes ② appeal to sb to do sth: The organization has made / launched an appeal to the public to raise £150,000 for the sick kid. ? [U] 吸引力;魅力: appeal for sb: Small cars are economical of fuel, so they have / hold wide / popular / more appeal for consumers. ? [C] [U] 上诉;申诉;上诉权: The sentence was reduced to three years on appeal.;appeal语义网络图;appealing adj 有吸引力的;令人感兴趣的;恳求的: Harry Potter stories are so appealing that they encourage children to read more. The pet dog looked at her master with an appealing and frightened look. ;wander;wander 的词源义为“漫无目的地闲逛(move about aimlessly)”。 ;wander v ? vi vt 闲逛;徘徊;漫步;离开(正道): wander about / over the world wander (through / around) the street ? vi 走神;胡思乱想: My mind began to wander. What job would I do? ;amusement;amusement;词汇拓展 amusing adj 逗乐的;有趣的 amused adj 好玩的;愉快的;开心的: We were all amused at / by his stories. Playing with water can keep children amused for hours. 【同族词】 amuse, amusing, amused, amusement;fashion;时尚界设计大师名言;fashion词源解读;in (a) … fashion 以……的方式: He behaves in a strange fashion. ;时尚行业 fashion business / industry 时装业 fashion markets 时装市场 fashion stores / shops / houses 时装商店 fashion design 时装设计 fashion photography 时尚摄影 fashion brands 时装品牌 fashion companies 时尚公司 ;up to;up to ;up to 语义网络图;a computer display ;vt ? 陈列;展览 (exhibit): The paintings that David donated to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall. Prices have to be displayed outside restaurants. ? 显示;显露(情感等): We more often display gre


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