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上市分析仪器公司的产品营销策略探究 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:上市分析仪器公司的产品营销策略探究 1 文2:产品营销公共关系策略探究 11 一、公共关系及其意义 12 1.公共关系的含义。 12 2.公共关系对产品营销的意义。 12 二、冠生园“陈陷”月饼事件及公关失败原因 14 1.冠生园月饼事件概况。 14 2.冠生园危机公关失败的原因分析。 14 三、冠生园“陈陷”月饼事件对危机公关的启示 15 1.果断采取措施,有效防止事态扩大。 16 2.采取科学的应对机制,消除对立情绪。 16 3.要有忧患意识并完善企业的管理系统。 16 4.诚信经营,增强品牌风险意识。 17 四、结语 17 参考文摘引言: 17 原创性声明(模板) 18 文章致谢(模板) 19 正文 上市分析仪器公司的产品营销策略探究 文1:上市分析仪器公司的产品营销策略探究 Abstract Research on Marketing Strategy of M Product of SR Itrument Company As the fit listed analytical itrument company in China, SR company plays a leading role. However, the company did not make good use of the fit listedenterprises in the industry to do a good job in marketing related products. With change of M products and technology, many small and medium-sized enterprises competing goods followed, SR company as a leading domestic M product research and development production more and more is not obvious, with respect to its M product sales declining in the global market, the market price of the product price is declining at the same time, in this paper, the home court advantage will rely on the Chinese market, for the Ms domestic products for a more suitable for the SR companys maneuverability stronger marketing strategy. Through the reasonable design and proper implementation of this paper,the market share of M products will be increased, so as to increase enterprise revenue。 This article applies the relevant theories of marketing, integrated PEST and SWOT, STP and 4P theory analysis methods to all aspects, such as, multi-angle analysis, by analyzing the current situation of the SR products marketing,through the SWOT analysis matrix, clear target market and market positioning,formulate relevant marketing strategy, the implementation of marketing strategy of security measures are put forward。 Keywords: SR Itrument Company, M products. Target market, Market positioning,Marketing strategy。 第 1 章 绪论 论文研究的背景、目的和意义。


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