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基于Android的网上商店系统的 设计与实现 随着智能手机,特别是基于Android平台的手机越来越多的进入人们的生活,新一代的移动终端用户针对应用软件的可操作性以及软件操作的舒适性等方面提出了更高要求,因此手机购物也逐渐发展成为了一种趋势。通过对传统网络购物的现状研究,发现传统的web式网店由于安全性、移动性等原因已不能满足用户的需求,本文借鉴Google Android 平台,使用图片动画、SQLite和UI技术,设计和实现了基于Android的网上商店系统,其目的是使Android智能机更好发挥其特性,突破地域的限制实现用户购物的移动性,从而使Android智能机用户能够随时随地的进行购物。 Android;网上商店; 移动性;智能性 Design and Realization of the Online Store System Based on Android Especially of mobile phones which based on the platform of android (Googles product) that becomes in separate parts of our peoples live. The new generation of mobile terminal users urges more standard maneuverable and comfortable. Shopping online with the mobile becomes a trend in our society. Having made an extensive research on the current situation of the conventional online shopping, it inevitably reveals the fact that websites of the old- fashioned, based on Web techniques, have long fallen to satisfy to requirements of users, due to a consideration of security , portability .etc.the essay goes with a deep insights of the architecture of the system, which is based on the platform of Google Android, takes advantages of animation, SQLite and UI techniques, resulting in the establishment of Android Online Shopping System. The system comes into birth with the purpose of entitling the Android cell phone user to go shopping anytime anywhere just as they desire, while breaking through the geographical and time limitation and making most of the features in Android smart phones. Android; Online stores; mobility; intelligent. 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究的背景和意义 1 1.2 可行性分析 1 1.2.1 技术可行性分析 1 1.2.2 运行可行性分析 1 1.2.3 经济可行性分析 2 1.3 现状介绍 2 1.3.1 Android是什么 2 1.3.2 现行网购方式介绍 2 1.3.3 Android应用网购 3 1.4 研究的内容与论文结构 3 2 关键技术 4 2.1 图片动画技术 4 2.1.1 图片动画技术的发展 4 2.1.2 用Android中常见的图片操作实现动画 4 2.2 SQLite技术 4 2.3 Android多线程技术 5 2.3.1 Android多线程简介 5 2.3.2 多线程应用 5 2.4 Android的UI技术 5 2.4.1 Android的UI简介 5 2.4.2 Android的UI设计原则


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