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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 — PAGE \* Arabic 1 — 宾语从句讲解教案 宾语从句是名词性从句的一种。在主从复合句中充当宾语,位于及物动词、介词或复合谓语之后的从句称为宾语从句。下面我在这里为大家用心整理了宾语从句讲解教案,希望对同学们有所扶助,仅供参考。 宾语从句讲解教案 教学内容:宾语从句的定义划出下面的宾语片面 I know him. He runs a big shoe factory. We grow lots of vegetables. He told me the news. I hear that you have passed the examination. 置于动词、介词和形容词〔afraid,sure,glad等〕等词性后面起宾语作用的从句叫宾语从句。宾语从句的语 序务必是陈述语序。 大多数及物动词都可以带宾语从句,如think, hope, wish, believe ,say ,know ,hear ,tell ,remember ,forget等,常用来引导宾语从句的形容词有: sure,certain,glad,please,happy,sorry,afraid,satisfied,surprised。 He told me〔that〕he would go to college the next year. We are talking about whether we admit students into our club. I am sorry I am late. I am sure I will pass the exam. 宾语从句主要考点梳理 一.宾语从句中引导词的用法 在复合句中作主句的宾语,引导词有: 连词:that (that 常可省略),whether, if 代词:who, whose, what ,which , whoever, whatever, whichever 副词:when ,where, how, why 等。 〔一〕that引导的宾语从句〔在非正式场合that可以省略〕 可跟that从句做宾语的动词有: say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, suppose, see, believe, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, order, command, feel, dream, suggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, propose, declare, report等。 例句:The boy believes that he will travel through space to other planets. 留神事项:当主句谓语动词是think, believe, suppose, expect 等词,而宾语从句的意思是否决 时,常把否决转移至主句表示。例句:I dont think it is right for him to treat you like that. 在以下处境中that不能省略 1.当句中的动词后接多于两个由that引导的宾语从句时,第一个that可省,但后面的that不成省。 :He said (that) you were too young to understand the matter and that he was asked not to tell you. 例句 的 2.当主句 谓语动词与that宾语从句之间有插入语时,that一般不成省。 then :Just I noticed, for the first time, that our master was wearing his fine green coat and his black silk cap. 例句. 3当that从句是双宾语中的直接宾语时,that不成省。 :I cant tell him that his mother died. 例句 可以假设从句太长,用形式宾语it. 留神事项: I find it necessary that we should do the homework on time. 例句: neces


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