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PAGE PAGE # 李四光英文简介 李四光,蒙古族,地质学家、教育家、音乐家和社会活动家,是 中国地质力学的创立者。下面是 为你整理的李四光英文简介,希望 对你有用! 李四 光简介 Li Shengguang, the ancient Mongolian, geologist, educator, musicia n and social activist, is the foun der of China's geomechanics, China's modern earth Scie ntific and geological work, one of the lead ing leaders and founders, the first batch of outstanding scientists after the founding of new China and the outstanding contribution to the developme nt of new China, was elected in 2009 as the 100 new China since the founding of the Chinese people moved one. Was born in July 1918 in Osaka, Japa n. He was appo in ted as the Min ister of In dustry of Hubei Military Gover nmen t. In 1928, he was appo in ted as director of the In stitute of Geology of the Cen tral Research In stitute. I n 1948, he was elected as a member of the Academia Sin ica. I n 1952, he was elected vice chairma n of the Executive Committee of the World Associati on of Scie ntists; in September 1952, he was appo in ted Mi nister of Geology of the People's Republic of China. In 1955, he was appo in ted as the Chin ese Academy of Scie nces. In 1969, he was elected the ninth member of the Cen tral Committee of the Communist Party of China. In August 1970, he was appo in ted as the head of the Scie nee and Educati on Departme nt of the State Coun cil. Li Sigua ng foun ded the geomecha nics and made important contributions to the development of China's petroleum in dustry .In the early years, the fossils of the fossils and their stratigraphic layers were studied in the early years, and the existe nee of the Quaternary glaciers in easter n Chi na was put forward. The con cept of "geomecha nics&qu ot; and &qu ot;tect on ic syste m&qu ot; are established, the concept of "tectonic system" is established, and the geomecha nics school is created. The three ups and dow ns of the new Huaxia tect onic system have a broad un dersta nding of oil prospect ing, In - situ stress observati on c


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