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Translate the following into English 肾小球 醛固酮 黄体 糖皮质激素 肾盂 电解质平衡 夜间呼吸困难 蛛网膜下腔出血 腰穿 下丘脑 皮质和髓质 骨髓炎 氨基酸 孕酮 周围神经系统 受精卵着床 间质细胞 早产儿 脑脊液 血管紧张素 Translate the following into English glomerulus; aldosterone; corpus luteum; glucocorticoid; renal pelvis; balance of electrolytes; nocturnal dyspnea; subarachnoid hemorrhage; lumbar puncture; hypothalamus; cortex and medulla; osteomyelitis; amino acid; progesterone; peripheral nervous system; implantation of a fertilized ovum; interstitial cells; premature infant; cerebrospinal fluid; angiotensin Situational Dialogues (32:39) D: Do you have any existing medical health problems? P: No, I don’t. D: Are you on any medication for existing health problems? P:NO, I’m not. D: Are you taking any other medication for any other reason? (e.g. birth control/ vitamins) P: Yes, I take ( ) everyday and I’m on the pill. D: Have you had any illness or physical problems recently? P: No, not that I can think of. D: Have you had any infections or viruses recently? P: Yea, sure. I’ve had a couple of colds nothing bad. D: Do you have a family history of diabetes, heart problems, cancer, lung complaints? P: Yes, my mother has diabetes ( ) only though, and my grandmother died of a ( ). multivitamins diet controlled heart attack Situational Dialogues D: Are your vaccinations ( )? P: Yes, I had all the vaccinations I needed to come to China. D: Have you ever had any surgery? What for? P: I had my appendix out when I was 16, nothing else. D: Do you have any allergies? P: Not allergies as such but I do have ( ) to milk and ( ). D: Have you had any medical tests recently? P: No. D: Is there anything you need to tell me, that you think



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